Black Boy Out of Time: A Memoir Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Hari Ziyad
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Boy Out of Time: A Memoir Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Hari Ziyad
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Canto III: Free Chapter 14: Chapter - Chapter 16: A Prayer for Freedom.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What impact does the carceral state have on Hari's experience of gender?
(a) It reinforces traditional gender norms.
(b) It helps him find healing and clarity.
(c) It contributes to his confusion and trauma.
(d) It supports him in exploring his gender identity.

2. In Canto III: Free, "Chapter 16: A Prayer for Freedom," why does Hari feel the need to suppress his queerness when caring for Martin?
(a) To protect Martin from harm.
(b) To avoid being judged by strangers.
(c) To confront societal biases.
(d) To strengthen his queerness.

3. In Canto II: Queer, "Chapter 6: A Prayer for Limitless," how does Daddy rationalize his belief in Allah and Kṛṣṇa?
(a) He thinks they are the same being.
(b) He does not believe in either of them.
(c) He believes it is irrelevant to his spirituality.
(d) He believes they are two separate deities.

4. In Canto II: Queer, "Chapter 12: A Prayer for New Language," how does the chapter suggest that love can contribute to personal growth?
(a) By avoiding difficult conversations.
(b) By focusing solely on individual needs.
(c) By addressing insecurities and striving for improvement.
(d) By maintaining strict boundaries.

5. In Canto III: Free, "Chapter 15: Trigger Warning," what is Hari's view on the terms of agreements between children?
(a) Children's agreements are insignificant compared to adults'.
(b) The terms of agreements between children are important.
(c) Agreements among children are irrelevant.
(d) Children should not make agreements.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do childhood memories and nostalgia help Hari cope with present challenges?

2. How does Hari's father react to his gender expression?

3. In Canto II: Queer, "Chapter 10: A Prayer for Choice," what does Hari recall about his cousin Justus's visit to his Cleveland Heights house?

4. Why does Hari feel the need to show up at Aunt Cheryl's funeral?

5. What does Hari's father deny vehemently?

(see the answer key)

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