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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Fulghum say his barber did on his days off?
2. When the grumpy-looking man picks up his little gift and starts to walk toward the garbage, Fulghum mentions that it looks as if the man is carrying what?
3. What does Fulghum say is his solace from depression?
4. Fulghum has a hero named Larry Walters. What does Larry Walters do for a living?
5. What two things did Beethoven want to be?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does Fulghum say will happen if you put a bunch of the stuff mentioned in Chapter 34 in a jar with water?
2. Describe Fulghum's relationship with his neighbor Mr. Washington that is discussed in Chapter 18.
3. In Chapter 36, what are some of the deadly mixtures that Fulghum and his newfound stranded friend discuss?
4. Who is Donnie in Chapter 30, and why does he knock on Fulghum's door?
5. Describe Larry Walters' contraption that Fulghum mentions in Chapter 38 and what he has with him as he floats over Los Angeles.
6. In Chapter 20, what kind of people does Fulghum say he lives in awe of?
7. What kind of fantasy does Fulghum speak about in Chapter 20, and what does it involve?
8. Why does Fulghum tell the reader in Chapter 16 to not be mislead by the stories we hear of crookedness and corruption?
9. In Chapter 31, what does Fulghum state he'll do on some December night when he is very rich?
10. Describe how Fulghum listens to Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Throughout the book, Robert Fulghum talks about his wife and a little bit about their relationship. Describe Robert Fulghum and his wife's relationship. Would you consider Fulghum and his wife's relationships a good one? Why or why not? How does Fulghum feel about his wife? How do you think Fulghum's wife feels about him? Why? What kind of dynamic does this bring to Fulghum's stories? Explain your answers.
Essay Topic 2
Mr. Washington is mentioned a couple times in the book as Fulghum's neighbor. Fulghum and Mr. Washington seem to share a strong bond even though they have a lot of differences. What are some of Robert Fulghum's and Mr. Washington's differences? What kinds of things bond the two neighbors together? Why do you think these two neighbors were such good friends? Do you think Mr. Washington saw the simple things in life as Robert Fulghum does? Why or why not?
Essay Topic 3
Why do you think Fulghum ends his book the way he does? Does that help the reader reach a conclusion, or does it leave the reader hanging? Was this Fulghum's intention? Why or why not? Do you think Fulghum could have ended his book any other way? If so, how? If not, why do you think this was the most effective ending?
This section contains 1,101 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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