All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Robert Fulghum
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Robert Fulghum
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of insect does the Cassida Rubignosa have to defend itself from in the book?

2. Fulghum tells the reader that goats are really cheap in San Saba and you can buy one for about how much?

3. In Chapter 9, what does Fulghum claim he thinks about every morning as he dresses?

4. When Fulghum tells of dancing after the goat roping rodeo, he talks of dancing and hoping to God that you don't do what?

5. In the gummy lump box, Fulghum can also see what scrawled in several places?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Fulghum think we learn from the song "The Eensy-Weensy Spider"?

2. In Chapter 6, why does Fulghum say that goat roping is some entertainment?

3. Describe Fulghum's experience of buying Tony Lama boots at Harry's Store in San Saba.

4. What are some things that Fulghum enjoys about doing laundry?

5. What were some of the reasons that Fulghum gives for visiting the town of San Saba?

6. What things does Fulghum mention that an abacus is good for?

7. In Chapter 14, what is Fulghum's personal need that he discusses, and how is it made?

8. What does the lady in Chapter 7 do after she runs into the spider web on her porch?

9. Who is Charles Boyer? Why does Fulghum mention his story?

10. In Chapter 6, why did the soldiers and priests set out for a spot on the San Saba River?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

How do you think Fulghum's interactions with children in his stories help emphasize the idea behind the book? How does Fulghum capture the innocence and honesty of children in his stories? Even in their worst form (when the boys are trying to kill all the moths) how does Fulghum still make the children he writes about endearing? Do you think Fulghum truly feels this way about children? Why or why not? Use specific examples from the book to support your answers.

Essay Topic 2

Describe Donnie's character from Chapter 30. Which of Donnie's qualities makes it hard for Fulghum to turn down his raking inquiry? What was Donnie's work ethic like? Even though Robert Fulghum didn't really want his leaves raked, do you think he was glad that he hired Donnie to help? If so, in what ways? Why do you think Donnie didn't charge Fulghum more money than his normal rate even though Fulghum's yard was abnormally full of leaves? What does this say about Donnie's character and desire to work? Explain your answers.

Essay Topic 3

In the book, there are places when readers can learn interesting facts that they might not have known about previously. What things in the book are educational? What new things did you learn from the book? Was there anything you learned about that you had never heard of or known about? If so, what was it ?

(see the answer keys)

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