All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten Test | Final Test - Medium

Robert Fulghum
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten Test | Final Test - Medium

Robert Fulghum
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Fulghum says that he and his Aunt Violet got along just fine until the night of what?
(a) The Date Night.
(b) The Big Dinner.
(c) The Garbage Disaster.
(d) The Mushroom Mayhem.

2. When Fulghum is talking about the stuff that is found in our homes, what kind of chunks does he say are found in the stuff?
(a) Pet hair chunks.
(b) People chunks.
(c) Food chunks.
(d) Bug chunks.

3. Why does Fulghum's neighbor say he puts up with Fulghum's yard?
(a) Because Fulghum cooks better chili and has better power tools.
(b) Because Fulghum gets him into the country club for free.
(c) Because he can't see Fulghum's yard very well anyway.
(d) Because he can just come over and do Fulghum's yard work for him.

4. Fulghum remembers eating chocolate cookies and drinking sweet milk. What does he say they drank the milk out of?
(a) A big mug.
(b) The carton.
(c) Tin cups.
(d) Mason jars.

5. In Chapter 21, what does Fulghum's neighbor give him for a Christmas present?
(a) A cigar case.
(b) A snow shovel.
(c) A rake.
(d) A flowerpot.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 19, what does Fulghum catch his neighbor spraying in his yard?

2. Fulghum has a hero named Larry Walters. What does Larry Walters do for a living?

3. What is contained on the tablet that is in the British Museum that Fulghum mentions in Chapter 32?

4. What does Fulghum say his barber did on his days off?

5. Fulghum explains that his real estate agent means a shack with a view when he says what word?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the author do in Chapter 28 when his cuckoo clock is not working properly, and what happens to the clock?

2. How does Fulghum explain how the people of imagination mentioned in Chapter 37 stand on one another's shoulders?

3. In Chapter 34, Fulghum discusses the two items that make up the majority of stuff. What are some of the other miscellaneous items that make up stuff?

4. In Chapter 29, what does the couple that lives across the street from the author buy to ride on, and how does the couple ride it?

5. In Chapter 40, what happens when V.P. Menon arrives in Delhi to seek a job in government?

6. How does Fulghum think people's attitude would be different if dandelions were rare and fragile?

7. In Chapter 33, what does Fulghum say is his first clue that Elias Schwartz is the new Haiho Lama?

8. In Chapter 20, what kind of people does Fulghum say he lives in awe of?

9. What happened in Chapter 24 when Fulghum tries to organize a game of giants, wizards, and dwarfs?

10. Who is Donnie in Chapter 30, and why does he knock on Fulghum's door?

(see the answer keys)

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