Your Money or Your Life Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Joe Dominguez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Your Money or Your Life Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Joe Dominguez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What determines mastery of Step 3?
(a) When life energy equals net worth.
(b) When gross income has been determined.
(c) When income exceeds spending.
(d) When the actual money left at the end of the month equals the amount shown by recordkeeping.

2. In Question 1, for each expense, participants must ask if they received fulfillment, satisfaction, and value in proportion to what?
(a) Income.
(b) Life energy spent.
(c) Spirituality.
(d) Dollar value.

3. Where do values come from?
(a) Saving money.
(b) Beliefs.
(c) Working harder.
(d) Bargain hunting.

4. Why should people not budget their money?
(a) Budgeting takes time away from family activities.
(b) Budgeters feel as if they are giving up something they love.
(c) Budgeting increases spending.
(d) Budgeters are inclined to mathematical error.

5. Why are small, specific categories recommended over traditional, broad categories?
(a) Smaller categories allow people to determine which purchases bring only temporary happiness.
(b) Specific categories are easier to place on a chart.
(c) Broad categories cost more life energy.
(d) Broad categories work only for high-income individuals.

6. Why should readers not use premade categories from other budget books?
(a) Other budget books are inferior.
(b) Some categories are difficult to track.
(c) Some categories may be out of date.
(d) Everyone has different spending habits.

7. What does Question 1 help people figure out?
(a) How to increase income.
(b) How they could increase or decrease spending to feel more fulfilled.
(c) How to eliminate debt.
(d) How to choose a new career.

8. For Question 1, what should be written in the chart if just enough was spent on an item?
(a) A plus.
(b) A zero.
(c) A minus.
(d) A check.

9. Question 3 asks participants to consider what it would be like to do what?
(a) Retire.
(b) Conserve life energy.
(c) Eliminate debt.
(d) Find a life mission.

10. How many perspectives of money are there?
(a) Six.
(b) Four.
(c) An infinite number.
(d) One for each person.

11. What causes emptiness?
(a) Losing a job.
(b) After buying a new item, the temporary happiness fades.
(c) Spending too much time on leisure activities.
(d) After spending time with family, the temporary happiness fades.

12. What do people earn money by trading?
(a) Stocks and bonds.
(b) Life energy.
(c) Job skills.
(d) Excess possessions.

13. What must people do in order to make Step 3 work?
(a) Be as truthful as possible.
(b) Work more hours.
(c) Work fewer hours.
(d) Reduce spending.

14. What are bare necessities, as defined in Chapter 1?
(a) Food and water.
(b) A house and car.
(c) All items needed to meet basic physical needs.
(d) Everything owned by an individual.

15. Why are vacations considered to be a work expense?
(a) They are necessary to relieve work-related stress.
(b) Only employed individuals can afford vacations.
(c) Most employees take laptops or cell phones on vacation.
(d) They are required by law.

Short Answer Questions

1. What allows people to enjoy their planet, community, and spirituality more than ever before?

2. What does Question 2 help people to figure out?

3. What broad category are alcohol and tobacco subcategories of?

4. What is one of the main economic principles most businesses follow?

5. What does Chapter 4 help people to figure out?

(see the answer keys)

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