Walden Two Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Walden Two Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. During their first discussion, what does Burris decide to do after the men have spoken about Frazier?

2. As Frazier explains the operations of Walden Two to the visitors, what technique does the author use to support the ideas behind Walden Two's operations?

3. After their tour of the dairy, when Mrs. Meyerson joins the group, what tradition involving young couples do the visitors observe?

4. What is the impact on Burris when he participates in his chosen form of entertainment?

5. Which of the following features are included in the systems of work and leadership outlined by Frazier in his description of Walden Two?

Short Essay Questions

1. Summarize the main features of government and administration at Walden Two.

2. After the visit to the schools, what do the visitors discover about child-bearing practices at Walden Two and the advantages of the approach used?

3. What evidence is there at Walden Two regarding Frazier's idea of a flourishing artistic environment?

4. What are some of the feelings about his work that Burris has while being visited by the two men?

5. What is the narrative perspective of the novel, and why does the author choose it?

6. As the novel begins, how does Rogers explain to Burris the need that he and Steve are experiencing?

7. What kind of celebration does the group observe after tea on the first day of the visit?

8. What aspects of Walden Two's practices do the visitors observe at dinner?

9. After a tour of the dairy, what two traditions of Walden Two do the visitors observe?

10. As Castle observes the nursery, what is he concerned about and how is his concern addressed?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Walden Two is more a debate on ideologies than it is a novel; therefore the author pays no attention to plot, character and themes. Making reference to specific evidence from the novel, discuss this view.

Essay Topic 2

Walden Two's ideas about education are directly related to Skinner's dissatisfaction with the educational practices of his day. How do the principles and practices in Walden Two's educational system address real weaknesses in modern education?

Essay Topic 3

Write a character sketch of Frazier, presenting reasons for your portrayal and commenting on this character's impact on the events in the play.

(see the answer keys)

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