Walden Two Test | Final Test - Medium

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Walden Two Test | Final Test - Medium

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When the group's Sunday afternoon walk is canceled due to rain, and Burris finds himself alone with Frazier and Castle, of what does Burris accuse Frazier?
(a) Of being a manipulator and despot.
(b) Of being a Communist.
(c) Of being a figurehead.
(d) Of being a tyrant.

2. How does Frazier suggest that the growth of Walden Two will affect farmers in the future?
(a) Farmers will have a ready market for their produce.
(b) Farmers will be integrated with Walden Two communities.
(c) Farmers will want to join Walden Two because of the emphasis on production.
(d) Farmers all over the country may be forced off their land to make space for Walden Two.

3. At the group's Sunday breakfast, how does Barbara's behavior affect Frazier?
(a) She flirts with him and he reciprocates.
(b) She accosts him about his beliefs and he withdraws because she is a woman.
(c) She flirts with him, but he responds awkwardly.
(d) She ignores him and he becomes fidgety.

4. As Burris returns to his room and meets a housewife nearby, what does he find out from her about Frazier?
(a) She was married to Frazier.
(b) She barely knows Frazier.
(c) She is pleased with Frazier's leadership.
(d) She is upset with Frazier's leadership.

5. Which one of the visitors fails to understand why anyone would want to live at Walden Two?
(a) Mary.
(b) Barbara.
(c) Steve.
(d) Castle.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the likely reason for the decision of the first two visitors to join Walden Two?

2. During the Sunday evening debate about behavior control, how does Castle try to demonstrate his own freedom?

3. According to Frazier, how do the child-rearing practices affect the development of the children?

4. What does Burris find when he goes off by himself to investigate whether Walden Two members are happy?

5. At lunch after the tour of the medical facilities, what aspects of modern society does Castle suggest are needed at Walden Two?

Short Essay Questions

1. When the group sits down to lunch and Castle questions Frazier about government and politics, how does Frazier respond?

2. What conflicting views about life at Walden Two surface for Rogers and Barbara after they have been exposed to some of the practices like education and family life?

3. After they have heard about education and child-rearing, what views about family life does Frazier share with the visitors?

4. While on the roof, how does Frazier counter Castle's claim that life at Walden Two offers no challenge and lacks moral law?

5. What is the essence of the conflict between Castle and Frazier about democracy?

6. Why are Steve and Mary attracted to joining Walden Two?

7. When Burris tries to ask Frazier about communal societies that have failed in the past, how does Frazier respond?

8. How does Castle seek to prove his point about personal freedom, and with what result?

9. Although Frazier disagrees, does Castle imply that there is indoctrination of young people at Walden Two?

10. According to Frazier's explanation on the roof, what is the "Good Life"?

(see the answer keys)

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