Walden Two Test | Final Test - Medium

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Walden Two Test | Final Test - Medium

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Later in the evening after Burris' investigation, who do Burris, Frazier, and Castle observe?
(a) A new group arriving to start Walden Six.
(b) The Ombusdsmen of Walden Six.
(c) The Managers of Walden Six.
(d) The Assistant Planners of Walden Six.

2. Following the discussion of marriage and child-bearing, what view of the modern world does Frazier use to justify some of the family-oriented practices at Walden Two?
(a) The modern family is not accomplishing its purposes.
(b) It takes a whole community, not just parents, to raise children.
(c) The traditional family is an outdated concept.
(d) The family is weakening in the modern world, and the Walden Two community takes on traditional family roles.

3. According to Frazier, how do the child-rearing practices affect the development of the children?
(a) The children relate to adults of their choice and are less dependent on their parents.
(b) The children have less conflict with their parents.
(c) The children grow up more quickly.
(d) The children respect all adults.

4. As Burris returns to his room and meets a housewife nearby, what does he find out from her about Frazier?
(a) She barely knows Frazier.
(b) She is upset with Frazier's leadership.
(c) She was married to Frazier.
(d) She is pleased with Frazier's leadership.

5. As Burris investigates the happiness of Walden Two members, what game does he see some playing?
(a) Tennis.
(b) Football.
(c) Scrabble.
(d) Chess.

Short Answer Questions

1. While observing this group, what does Frazier reveal to the observers about Walden Two?

2. According to Frazier's explanation, what effect has Walden Two's involvement in politics achieved?

3. According to Frazier, how does Walden Two overcome the weaknesses of democracy?

4. On the same Sunday evening when Castle and Frazier argue about using a science of behavior to control behavior, how does Frazier justify its necessity?

5. After his heavy work stacking wood, when Burris talks with Frazier at dinner about communal societies that have failed, what is Frazier's first response?

Short Essay Questions

1. According to Frazier's explanation on the roof, what is the "Good Life"?

2. What conflicting views about life at Walden Two surface for Rogers and Barbara after they have been exposed to some of the practices like education and family life?

3. In discussing failed communal societies, what comparisons does Frazier make between them and Walden Two?

4. While on the roof, how does Frazier counter Castle's claim that life at Walden Two offers no challenge and lacks moral law?

5. What do the motives of Steve and Barbara suggest about the type of persons that Walden Two might attract?

6. When Frazier, Burris, and Castle take a walk outside and see a group arriving, what information is given about the growth of the community?

7. Why are Steve and Mary attracted to joining Walden Two?

8. After they have heard about education and child-rearing, what views about family life does Frazier share with the visitors?

9. When Castle and Frazier agree that force or threat of force can control behavior, what additions does Frazier make to the discussion?

10. When Burris and Frazier are alone after rain destroys the group's plan of an afternoon walk, of what does Burris accuse Frazier, and why?

(see the answer keys)

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