Walden Two Test | Final Test - Easy

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Walden Two Test | Final Test - Easy

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As Burris investigates the happiness of Walden Two members, what game does he see some playing?
(a) Football.
(b) Chess.
(c) Scrabble.
(d) Tennis.

2. According to Frazier's explanation of behavior theory, what two contradictory forces occur simultaneously when it is applied?
(a) Free will and obedience.
(b) Freedom and tyranny.
(c) Freedom and dictatorship.
(d) Freedom and control.

3. How is failure treated at Walden Two?
(a) Persons who fail are moved to different jobs and if this continues, they see a psychologist.
(b) Persons who fail have to go back to school.
(c) Persons who fail are asked to leave the community.
(d) Persons who fail are channelled into different types of work.

4. What literary device is evident in the underlying contradiction between Frazier's comments on power and his own involvement in leading Walden Two?
(a) Irony.
(b) Allusion.
(c) Metaphor.
(d) Hyperbole.

5. Why does the author have Burris discuss matters with the housewife that he meets on the way to his room?
(a) To get the perspective of mothers.
(b) To get the perspective of a mature, ordinary member of the community.
(c) To get the female perspective.
(d) To get the perspective of the unemployed.

6. When questioned by Burris about young people leaving Walden Two, how does Frazier respond?
(a) He says they know they cannot do better elsewhere.
(b) He says they are too happy and productive to want to leave.
(c) He says they are forbidden to leave.
(d) He says they tell young people all about the world and even give them projects to do about issues in the outside world.

7. Why does Frazier discount the merits of majority vote in the democratic system?
(a) The majority are really the pawns of a few politicians.
(b) The majority can become oppressors of the minority.
(c) The majority can be misguided.
(d) The majority can overturn what is best for society.

8. In the part of the debate when they speak about democracy, what weaknesses of this system does Frazier point out?
(a) Elections are media campaigns and a single vote doesn't really matter.
(b) Elections are a sham and politicians manipulate voters.
(c) Elections are a sham and voters know nothing about the issues.
(d) Elections are a sham and voters know nothing about the issues.

9. Which one of the visitors fails to understand why anyone would want to live at Walden Two?
(a) Mary.
(b) Castle.
(c) Steve.
(d) Barbara.

10. According to Frazier, how does Walden Two overcome the weaknesses of democracy?
(a) By leaving government to experts and by emphasizing cooperation and planning.
(b) By relying on the ombudsman and disallowing dissent.
(c) By relying on the Political Manager and gathering the ideas of members.
(d) By having everyone vote in the same way after canvassing their opinions.

11. What does Burris learn from the housewife that he meets on the way to his room, regarding whether she is happy?
(a) She is very happy.
(b) She doesn't seem to think about happiness and seems to take it for granted.
(c) She is happy sometimes.
(d) She is not happy.

12. Faced with Castle's challenge about the absence of moral law at Walden Two, what does Frazier display?
(a) He displays an intolerance for opposition.
(b) He displays the willingness to give the matter some thought.
(c) He displays faith in Walden Two's abiity to manage without it.
(d) He displays pragmatism and a belief that all behavior can be dealt with by experimentation and social engineering.

13. How does Frazier explain the low incidence of adultery at Walden Two?
(a) The community encourages friendships between the sexes.
(b) The marriages are arranged and strict rules apply.
(c) Adultery results in expulsion from the community.
(d) Adultery results in public disgrace.

14. In the argument that takes place when the rain causes Burris, Castle, and Frazier to have an extended discussion, what is the major purpose served by Frazier's arguments?
(a) He is used to contradict the author's beliefs.
(b) He is used to attack communism.
(c) He is used to express the author's theories.
(d) He is used to defend Walden Two.

15. When the visitors have almost completed their window washing, what is the next assignment for Rogers, Steve, and Burris?
(a) They paint the nursery.
(b) They refurbish buildings.
(c) They clean the school.
(d) They stack wood behind the theater.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the group's Sunday afternoon walk is canceled due to rain, and Burris finds himself alone with Frazier and Castle, of what does Burris accuse Frazier?

2. Why does Frazier believe that Walden Two planners are unlikely to become dictators?

3. As Burris returns to his room and meets a housewife nearby, what does he find out from her about Frazier?

4. As Burris smokes in the garden, what thought occurs to him about the impact of his visit to Walden Two?

5. When the group's Sunday afternoon is canceled due to rain, what do Steve and Barbara do instead?

(see the answer keys)

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