Walden Two Test | Final Test - Easy

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Walden Two Test | Final Test - Easy

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is ironic about Frazier's stated opposition to political action?
(a) He is involved in political action himself.
(b) He has forgotten how he came to be the leader of Walden Two.
(c) He uses the same methods that are used in the wider political system.
(d) Although he says nothing can be achieved through it, his description of Walden Two's political activity shows otherwise.

2. What new kind of control does Frazier add to the Sunday evening debate about behavior control?
(a) Negative conditioning.
(b) Positive conditioning.
(c) Negative reinforcement.
(d) Positive reinforcement.

3. What does Burris find when he goes off by himself to investigate whether Walden Two members are happy?
(a) He finds that groups are either indifferent or very happy with Walden Two.
(b) Most people appear to be indifferent.
(c) He finds a group whose members are definitely miserable with life at Walden Two.
(d) He finds a variety of groups engaged in various ordinary activities.

4. When the group's Sunday afternoon is canceled due to rain, what do Steve and Barbara do instead?
(a) They go to a meeting about Walden Two's code.
(b) They go to the movies.
(c) They join a group of musicians for an impromptu concert.
(d) They go back to church.

5. Later in the evening after Burris' investigation, who do Burris, Frazier, and Castle observe?
(a) The Managers of Walden Six.
(b) The Ombusdsmen of Walden Six.
(c) The Assistant Planners of Walden Six.
(d) A new group arriving to start Walden Six.

6. On the same Sunday evening when Castle and Frazier argue about using a science of behavior to control behavior, how does Frazier justify its necessity?
(a) He says leaders have always controlled the behavior of followers.
(b) He says that without it there would be disorder.
(c) He says that without it, people would be controlled by less benevolent forces such as politicians and salesmen.
(d) He says that without it the world has no chance of improvement.

7. When the group's Sunday afternoon walk is canceled due to rain, and Burris finds himself alone with Frazier and Castle, of what does Burris accuse Frazier?
(a) Of being a tyrant.
(b) Of being a manipulator and despot.
(c) Of being a figurehead.
(d) Of being a Communist.

8. What does Frazier believe is the cause of Burris' reluctance to embrace the lifestyle of Walden Two?
(a) Frazier believes it is because Burris dislikes him as a person.
(b) Frazier believes it's because Burris is an intellectual and he can't admit he has been wrong all along.
(c) Frazier believes it's because Burris does not accept a psychology of behavior.
(d) Frazier believes it's because Burris had a bad experience with a communal group.

9. How does Frazier respond to Castle's proposal to demonstrate his freedom?
(a) He laughs at Castle's silly game.
(b) He tells Castle it would be a futile exercise.
(c) He allows Castle to prove his point.
(d) He manipulates Castle to do the opposite of what is in his mind.

10. How do the child-rearing practices affect the women of Walden Two?
(a) They can participate more in community life.
(b) They pine for their children.
(c) They can become professionals.
(d) They are freed from the necessity of being housewives.

11. According to Frazier, what specific attributes does Walden Two have that will prevent its failure?
(a) Experimentation and openness to change.
(b) Democracy and behavior engineering.
(c) Democracy and experimentation.
(d) Experimentation and leadership.

12. As Burris investigates the happiness of Walden Two members, what complaint does he overhear?
(a) He hears about boredom.
(b) He hears about poor planning.
(c) He hears about tyranny.
(d) He hears about lack of freedom.

13. According to Frazier, how does Walden Two overcome the weaknesses of democracy?
(a) By relying on the ombudsman and disallowing dissent.
(b) By relying on the Political Manager and gathering the ideas of members.
(c) By having everyone vote in the same way after canvassing their opinions.
(d) By leaving government to experts and by emphasizing cooperation and planning.

14. What further clarification does Frazier give to the group about the new kind of behavioral control?
(a) He says it is the basis of the practices at Walden Two.
(b) He says it is more successful than punishment.
(c) He says it conflicts with ideas about self-control.
(d) He says its effectiveness has been proven at Walden Two.

15. After his heavy work stacking wood, when Burris talks with Frazier at dinner about communal societies that have failed, what is Frazier's first response?
(a) He asserts that they lacked leadership.
(b) He asserts that they lacked vision.
(c) He refuses to compare them with Walden Two because he has little knowledge of them.
(d) He asserts that Walden Two is definitely superior.

Short Answer Questions

1. Following the discussion of marriage and child-bearing, what view of the modern world does Frazier use to justify some of the family-oriented practices at Walden Two?

2. How is failure treated at Walden Two?

3. What is the major difference between the arguments advanced by Castle and those advanced by Frazier?

4. According to Frazier, how do the child-rearing practices affect the development of the children?

5. What literary device is evident in the underlying contradiction between Frazier's comments on power and his own involvement in leading Walden Two?

(see the answer keys)

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