Walden Two Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Walden Two Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 21-24.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Mrs. Meyerson, what is the reason behind the women's attitude to dress?
(a) They want to reduce expense.
(b) They do not want to be seen as objects.
(c) They want to distract the men from sexual thoughts.
(d) They are very modest.

2. Who is in charge of the nursery visited by the group?
(a) Mrs. Frazier.
(b) Mrs. Rogers.
(c) Mrs. Nash.
(d) Mrs. Meyerson.

3. In the same discussion about family life, what significant difference between traditional marriage and marriage at Walden Two does Frazier explain?
(a) Based on research and experimentation, spouses live together before marriage.
(b) Based on research and experimentation, marriages are arranged by parents.
(c) Based on research and experimentation, marriages are arranged by the leaders.
(d) Based on research and experimentation, Walden Two spouses sleep in separate rooms.

4. What is the impact on Burris when he participates in his chosen form of entertainment?
(a) He is not convinced that Walden Two has the potential for a Golden Age.
(b) He believes Fraizer's ideas are unrealistic.
(c) He agrees with Frazier's philosophy.
(d) He is overcome with the idea of a Golden Age.

5. Which of the following terms best sums up the approach to decision-making, as described by Frazier to the visitors?
(a) It is a system of cooperation and consensus at the leadership level.
(b) It is a democratic system in which everyone participates equally.
(c) It is a system in which the leader makes all the important decisions.
(d) It is a system of decision-making by committees.

Short Answer Questions

1. As far as men and women are concerned, which of the following best sums up the way Frazier describes the allocation of work at Walden Two?

2. Why is Mrs. Nash confused when Castle asks about jealousy as he observes some children leaving from a picnic?

3. What further explanation does Frazier give about Walden Two's philosophy regarding emotional expression?

4. What is the figure of speech contained in the name of the passageway where the visitors first have tea?

5. What literary device is evident in the underlying contradiction between Frazier's comments on power and his own involvement in leading Walden Two?

(see the answer key)

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