Thank You for Smoking Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Thank You for Smoking Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 1, what adjective does B.R. use to describe Naylor's style of public relations?
(a) Abrasive.
(b) Slimy.
(c) Reactive.
(d) Effective.

2. What body part did Bobby Jay Bliss lose in the Vietnam War?
(a) His left leg.
(b) His left arm.
(c) His right eye.
(d) His right ear.

3. What popular television show is Naylor invited on in Chapter 3?
(a) The Maclaughlin Group.
(b) The Tonight Show.
(c) Nightline.
(d) Oprah.

4. Who else is on the panel on which Naylor sits in the Prologue?
(a) Politicians.
(b) Anti-smoking proponents.
(c) Marketing analysts.
(d) Tobacco executives.

5. Why is Polly Bailey pleased at Bert's house in Chapter 7?
(a) A popular star has agreed to drink bourbon at the Oscars.
(b) The Pope has declared wine moral.
(c) She has met a nice guy.
(d) Her lobby has defeated a new tax in Alabama.

6. What disguise does the nico-terrorist who sticks a gun in Nick's back in Chapter 11 wear?
(a) A cab driver.
(b) A news-stand seller.
(c) A homeless person.
(d) A security guard.

7. What does Bliss remember most clearly about Heather Holloway in Chapter 7?
(a) Her perfume.
(b) Her laugh.
(c) Her feet.
(d) Her body.

8. What does Nick imagine the two FBI agents interviewing him in Chapter 12 doing?
(a) Killing his assailants.
(b) Colluding with BR.
(c) Burning down the hospital.
(d) Kissing each other.

9. To whom is Bliss sending the video he made in Chapter 2?
(a) Every SAFETY member.
(b) The President and the Speaker of the House.
(c) Congress and the media.
(d) The Supreme Court.

10. What is the name of the organization to which Gordon Craighead belongs?
(a) Office of Substance Abuse Prevention.
(b) Temperance International.
(c) Committee for Responsible Living.
(d) Coalition to End Drunk Driving.

11. How does Naylor return to Washington D.C. at the end of Chapter 6?
(a) Amtrak.
(b) Bus.
(c) The Captain's private jet.
(d) A rental car.

12. At the beginning of Chapter 9, what does the Captain insist be done for Nick?
(a) He be put on temporary leave.
(b) He be given a gun.
(c) He be moved to another office.
(d) He be given a security detail.

13. In the Prologue, what does the autocrat in Naylor's story do to those caught selling tobacco?
(a) He imprisons them.
(b) He beheads them.
(c) He burns them alive.
(d) He cuts off their hands.

14. What creative way does a man say he will kill Naylor in a message given to him by Gazelle in Chapter 7?
(a) Skin him alive.
(b) Bury him to his neck by an anthill.
(c) Tie him to four horses and geeing them up.
(d) Pouring tar down his throat.

15. How long does B.R. give Naylor to come up with a new media plan for the Academy?
(a) Two weeks.
(b) One month.
(c) One day.
(d) The weekend.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which John Wayne film does Naylor and his son watch at the end of Chapter 3?

2. What does Nick Naylor always eat at the MOD Squad lunches?

3. In Chapter 12, what do the two D.C. policeman think Nick is?

4. What uncharacteristic act does BR take regarding Nick at the beginning of Chapter 9?

5. At the end of Chapter 4, BR asks Naylor to mention what on Oprah?

(see the answer keys)

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