Rabelais and His World Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rabelais and His World Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 16, Chapter 7 - Rabelais' Images & His Time.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What in Rabelais' novel is a travesty of Gospel miracles?
(a) Friar John's defense of the abbey vineyards and beating of thousands.
(b) Epistemon's resurrection and visions of the underworld.
(c) Panurge's seduction of a local knight's wife.
(d) Gargantua's glimpse into heaven and dialogue with God.

2. Why did Renaissance humanists attempt to suppress oaths and profanities?
(a) They felt that if one could not say something nice, one should say nothing at all.
(b) They were shocked to hear the Lord's name taken in vain.
(c) They saw such language as relics of the superstitious Middle Ages.
(d) They viewed such language as predominantly atheistic.

3. How is a "prophetic riddle" game carnivalesque in nature?
(a) It stresses the destruction of the established order and hierarchy of society.
(b) It is always sung in a rhymed singsong tone.
(c) It focuses on gaiety and humor.
(d) It stresses the importance of feasting and drinking.

4. How does Bakhtin say Ivan the Terrible of Russia was similar to Rabelais?
(a) They both fought bloody battles against the reigning monarch.
(b) He too challenged old political and social structures.
(c) They both travelled anonymously to Carnival festivities.
(d) He also was a prolific and controversial writer.

5. The vocabulary of the prologue of _Gargantua_ is:
(a) Purely abusive and vulgar.
(b) Loaded with comparatives and superlatives.
(c) Objective and editorially distant.
(d) Quietly reflective and speculative.

Short Answer Questions

1. Bakhtin finds food and drink representative of society because:

2. Goethe traces the roots of Carnival to the:

3. How is the Rabelaisian use of tripe an excellent example of grotesque realism?

4. Bakhtin asserts that the advertisement for "pantagruelion" in the Third Book expresses:

5. What does Bakhtin argue is the relationship between the death of Tappecoue and the episode of the Catchpoles?

(see the answer key)

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