Among Schoolchildren Test | Final Test - Medium

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Among Schoolchildren Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where had Alice's father taken Alice, Judith, and Margaret to help then with their Science Fair project?
(a) The Holyoke electric power plant.
(b) The Holyoke library.
(c) The Holyoke water power plant.
(d) The Holyoke city hall.

2. What suggestion did Al give the teachers at Kelly School during their staff meeting in March?
(a) "If you are not happy, think about leaving."
(b) "If you want better students, be better disciplinarians."
(c) "If you do not want to be a teacher, find something else to do."
(d) "If you are not teaching, get with it."

3. What question did Mrs. Zajac begin asking herself in March?
(a) "Am I burned out?"
(b) "What happened to Miss Hunt?"
(c) "Where are we going for summer vacation?"
(d) "Is this year ever going to be over?"

4. To what did Mrs. Zajac compare her Irish ancestors' immigration?
(a) To the Jews entering Israel.
(b) To German immigration.
(c) To the gold rush in California.
(d) To the Puerto Rican immigration.

5. How did Kelly School children score on the standardized tests whose results arrived that year?
(a) Holyoke students improved their scores by over fifty percent.
(b) Holyoke students had some of the highest scores in the state.
(c) Holyoke students had some of the lowest test scores in the state.
(d) Holyoke students were in the middle third with their scores.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was printed on the tee shirts Holyoke's assistant superintendent brought as gifts for their Puerto Rican hosts?

2. What did Mrs. Zajac's class smell like in the spring?

3. Where was Felipe's clubhouse?

4. What was the topic for Claude's Science Fair project?

5. What did Mrs. Zajac see that Robert had tried to create for his Science Fair project?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the history of Puerto Ricans in the town of Holyoke? How were they treated in the second half of the twentieth century?

2. As the class approached spring break, how did Mrs. Zajac feel about her class? About herself? What were her parting words to Jimmy as the children leave for a week's break?

3. What did Mrs. Zajac begin to realize about continuing to keep Clarence in her class? What were her options?

4. What kinds of behavior did Robert exhibit that concerned Mrs. Zajac? What did she want Robert's mother to do? Did Robert's mother follow through with this suggestion?

5. Who in Mrs. Zajac's class won a ribbon for their Science Fair project? How did the ribbon recipients respond to being awarded for their efforts? How did the other children respond to the award?

6. What did Mrs. Zajac and her family do over spring break? Who organized the experience? Why did Mrs. Zajac decide to spend her spring break this way?

7. Who among Mrs. Zajac's students was particularly excited about entering the science fair? What was the project? How did Mrs. Zajac feel about this student's participation in the science fair?

8. What were some of the changes January brought to Mrs. Zajac's class and her students?

9. How did Kelly Schools fare on the standardized tees the sixth grade took? How did Principal Laudato respond to this news? How did Mrs. Zajac respond?

10. What were some of the differences Mrs. Zajac noticed between the English Mass and the Spanish mass? What did she learn about the Puerto Rican culture by attending the bilingual mass Father Joyce offered?

(see the answer keys)

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