Among Schoolchildren Test | Final Test - Easy

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Among Schoolchildren Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With whom did the new student Juanita live?
(a) With her mother and two siblings.
(b) With Mrs. Zajac and her family.
(c) With her father and stepmother.
(d) With her aunt and cousins.

2. What change did Mrs. Zajac see in Clarence after she initiated the core evaluation for him?
(a) He ran in and out of the class constantly.
(b) He became more docile in class.
(c) He became meaner to the other children.
(d) He began cursing in class.

3. What did Mrs. Zajac dream about the weekend after Clarence left her class?
(a) Clarence was in her class again.
(b) Clarence was her boss.
(c) Clarence tried to teach the class.
(d) Clarence died.

4. What response did one of Al's critics give after he made a suggestion to the teachers at a meeting?
(a) "You can't make me quit, Al."
(b) "Amen."
(c) "The Lord blesses you, Al."
(d) "What makes you think I can do more than I am?"

5. What does Robert say to Mrs. Zajac one day to show her he had not done his homework?
(a) "Do you want me to sit next to Jennifer while you go over the homework?"
(b) "Do you want me to go to the principal's office now?"
(c) "Do you want me to sit quietly at my desk and read?"
(d) "Do you want me to go out into the hall while you read the answers?"

6. When she returned from February vacation, what does Mrs. Zajac think about Clarence?
(a) "I do not think I can pass him into sixth grade."
(b) "That child needs more attention."
(c) "There is no end to his arrogance."
(d) "I am controlling him a lot and teaching him little."

7. To what did Mrs. Zajac compare her Irish ancestors' immigration?
(a) To the Puerto Rican immigration.
(b) To German immigration.
(c) To the gold rush in California.
(d) To the Jews entering Israel.

8. Where did Felipe live?
(a) In the factory area behind the Flats.
(b) In the neighborhood behind the interstate.
(c) In the apartment building across from the school.
(d) In the renovated northern section of the Flats.

9. Who left Mrs. Zajac's class in April of the school year?
(a) Clarence.
(b) Claude.
(c) Jennifer.
(d) Alejandro.

10. What was the name of the newspaper Felipe bought and brought home to his father and a resident of his building?
(a) Post-Dispatch.
(b) Puerto Rican-Telegram.
(c) Transcript-Telegram.
(d) Times-Picayune.

11. What is the name of the alternative junior high school in Holyoke?
(a) Crossroads.
(b) Lincoln Square.
(c) Church Square.
(d) Logos.

12. On what did Claude build his model river?
(a) A piece or cardboard covered in foil.
(b) A piece of plywood.
(c) A wooden crate.
(d) A metal serving tray.

13. What was the name of Mrs. Zajac's church?
(a) Loyola.
(b) The Holy Name.
(c) Sacred Heart.
(d) The Blessed Heart.

14. What did Mrs. Zajac realize was the reason she was unable to sleep?
(a) She was burned out and did not want to go back to school.
(b) She was asked to be the new principal of Kelly School.
(c) She wanted a divorce from her husband.
(d) She did nothing to prevent Clarence moving out of her classroom.

15. Where did Mrs. Zajac go on St Patrick's Day?
(a) To New York City for the parade.
(b) To Providence for the weekend.
(c) To the St. Patrick's Day parade.
(d) She stayed home with her children and husband.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was not able to join the class for Mrs. Zajac's class field trip?

2. Which students worked with Claude on a Science Fair project?

3. What was the best part of the trip to Puerto Rico for Mrs. Zajac?

4. Where was Felipe's clubhouse?

5. Why did Felipe's father choose to live in the Flats?

(see the answer keys)

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