Among Schoolchildren Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Among Schoolchildren Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Counting all of her math and reading students, how many students did Mrs. Zajac teach every day?
(a) Thirty five.
(b) Twenty.
(c) Sixty.
(d) Fifty.

2. What does Mrs. Zajac consider the cruelest form of prejudice a teacher can have?
(a) Not expecting fifth graders to be able to read well.
(b) Treating white children better than others.
(c) Not treating children equally due to their circumstances.
(d) Not assigning homework because it might be too hard.

3. What was Mrs. Zajac's husband's name?
(a) Tom.
(b) Bill.
(c) Bob.
(d) Will.

4. While teaching a lesson with one student, what did Mrs. Zajac do with her eyes as she taught?
(a) She scanned the room and saw things in her peripheral vision.
(b) She sat behind her desk and was able to see everything going on.
(c) She walked around the room telling children what to do.
(d) She constantly interrupted her lessons to discipline children.

5. What was the first social studies question Mrs. Zajac asked her class?
(a) "What country is to the south of us?"
(b) "What planet do we live on?"
(c) "What is the name of the country to the north of us?"
(d) "What is the name of our country?"

6. When Clarence was particularly nasty to Pam, what did Judith say to him?
(a) "Just get out if you don't want to learn."
(b) "Get out of her face."
(c) "You have the brain of a caterpillar."
(d) "Miss Hunt is a good teacher."

7. What percentage of Kelly School children came from homes receiving some form of public assistance?
(a) 25%.
(b) 75%.
(c) 60%.
(d) 40%.

8. What prevented Mrs. Zajac from teaching lessons for as long as she wanted?
(a) She needed a break.
(b) She was too disorganized.
(c) Classes switched rooms at the sound of the school bell.
(d) She spent too much time on discipline.

9. How old was Mrs. Zajac at the time of this book?
(a) Twenty-four.
(b) Thirty-four.
(c) Forty-four.
(d) Fifty-four.

10. What happened if a student did not hand in their best work?
(a) Mrs. Zajac would give you an automatic F.
(b) Mrs. Zajac would make you do it over.
(c) Mrs. Zajac would keep you after school.
(d) Mrs. Zajac would make you clean the classroom.

11. Who gave Miss Hunt the longest and most elaborate farewell card?
(a) Clarence.
(b) Judith.
(c) Robert.
(d) Felipe.

12. What did Judith do when she had finished her classwork and had extra time?
(a) Work on her novel or read.
(b) Work on math problems or read.
(c) Draw or read.
(d) Whisper to the other girls.

13. What are "cumes"?
(a) Detention lists.
(b) Student cumulative reports.
(c) Student hall passes.
(d) Lesson plans.

14. What did Dick say to a classmate one day about Mrs. Zajac?
(a) "She knows every trick in the book."
(b) "She sees everything, so don't bother."
(c) "She can be a real pain."
(d) "She is a fun teacher but mean when she gets mad."

15. What did Mrs. Zajac put on her classroom door before the children arrived?
(a) A room number.
(b) A picture of herself.
(c) A red paper schoolhouse.
(d) A red paper apple.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of car did Mrs. Zajac drive?

2. What was something Mrs. Zajac liked about Pam's lessons for the children?

3. What was the "cafetorium?"

4. What did Mrs. Zajac say about Judith when comparing the child with herself?

5. Who took care of Mrs. Zajac's infant daughter while she was teaching?

(see the answer keys)

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