All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert Fulghum
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert Fulghum
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On August 24, where are the military units from that enter Angola in an offensive against the black nationalist guerrillas?
(a) Spain.
(b) India.
(c) Germany.
(d) South Africa.

2. What crayon name does Fulghum say is the only crayon name that has been changed?
(a) Teardrop.
(b) Grass.
(c) Sunshine.
(d) Flesh.

3. Fulghum's lawyer friend travels with his two eighteen-year-old girls and what kind of animal?
(a) A boa constrictor.
(b) A black labrador retriever.
(c) A brown and white hamster.
(d) A bearded dragon lizard.

4. After Charles Boyer's wife died in his arms, Charles died two days later. How did Charles die?
(a) He died of a stroke.
(b) He killed himself.
(c) He died of a heart attack.
(d) He died in a horseback riding accident.

5. In Chapter 13, Fulghum talks about his godchild having a crayon in one hand and what in the other?
(a) A pacifier.
(b) A cigar.
(c) A bottle.
(d) A piece of paper.

6. When do the woodsmen in the Solomon Islands creep up on a tree?
(a) At dawn.
(b) At sunset.
(c) At noon.
(d) Midnight.

7. When Fulghum tells the story of Nicolai Pestretsov, how old does he say the sergeant major is?
(a) Thirty-six.
(b) Forty-two.
(c) Twenty-five.
(d) Thirty-one.

8. In the gummy lump box, Fulghum can also see what scrawled in several places?
(a) The name of the cities they've lived in.
(b) The words, "Daddy" and "Mommy."
(c) The words, "I love you."
(d) The names of three children.

9. In Chapter 9, what is the other group that Fulghum mentions, besides merchants, that he counts on?
(a) Lawyers.
(b) Priests.
(c) Kindergarten teachers.
(d) Doctors.

10. When Fulghum is finished eating his chicken-friend steak in San Saba, what flavor of toothpick does he use?
(a) Bubblegum.
(b) Wintergreen.
(c) Chocolate mint.
(d) Peppermint.

11. Fulghum says that he's been know to shake his fist and yell at what?
(a) The sky.
(b) Bad drivers.
(c) His car.
(d) His dog.

12. Fulghum tells the reader that goats are really cheap in San Saba and you can buy one for about how much?
(a) $15.
(b) $25.
(c) $20.
(d) $30.

13. When Fulghum talks about folding the laundry, where does he state he takes the laundry to fold it?
(a) The dining room table.
(b) The top of the dryer.
(c) The master bedroom bed.
(d) The family room floor.

14. When Fulghum's washer and dryer quit working, where is the laundromat that he has to go to?
(a) Beside a local coffee shop.
(b) At the mall.
(c) By the library.
(d) In a strip mall by the grocery store.

15. When Fulghum is at the laundromat he sees an old woman folding what type of clothing?
(a) Little children's school uniforms.
(b) White knickers.
(c) Sexy black underwear.
(d) White tube socks.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Fulghum claim the spider is thinking about having for breakfast?

2. In its larval form, what does the Cassida Rubignosa beetle carry on it's back?

3. At the end of Chapter 12, what does Fulghum claim would make a good bumper sticker for the eighties?

4. When Fulghum is at the laundromat, he hears a college kid explain to a friend how to get something off a suede jacket. What does the kid talk about getting off of a suede jacket?

5. How many different kinds of macaroni does the gummy lump box consist of?

(see the answer keys)

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