White Fragility Test | Final Test - Medium

Robin DiAngelo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

White Fragility Test | Final Test - Medium

Robin DiAngelo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens when whites employ terms that connote physical violence to describe their feelings toward being challenged, as stated in Chapter 8?
(a) They distort the real direction of danger between whites and others.
(b) They are harmful to other white people.
(c) They subject themselves to danger from other whites.
(d) They subject themselves to ridicule.

2. How early do children start to construct their ideas about race, as stated in Chapter 8?
(a) Grade School.
(b) High school.
(c) Kindergarten.
(d) Preschool.

3. What, according to Diangelo in Chapter 6, must white people do to challenge the ideologies of race?
(a) Stop using racial slurs.
(b) Suspend their perception of people of color as different.
(c) Stop saying they are color blind.
(d) Suspend their perception of themselves as unique.

4. What is an employer not required to do regarding affirmative action?
(a) Hire a qualified person of color.
(b) Hire people based on skill set and experience.
(c) Hire an unqualified person of color.
(d) Hire people based on merit.

5. How did Diangelo react when confronted by her black colleague on her racism?
(a) She stormed out of the room.
(b) She cried.
(c) She apologized but said that she did not intend to cause harm.
(d) She owned up to her racism and allowed her colleague to give her feedback.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Diangelo ask others do for her?

2. What did Eva do after her first workshop?

3. What does Diangelo state in Chapter 8 that white fragility function as a form of?

4. Who does the chain of self-defense blame for white people's discomfort about racism, according to Diangelo?

5. What does Diangelo write is integral to white identity?

Short Essay Questions

1. What kinds of things are helpful to white people interested in challenging their internalized racism, according to Diangelo?

2. What does Diangelo say about The Blind Side?

3. What are some common claims white people use to assuage their complicity, according to Diangelo?

4. What is habitus?

5. What are some functions of white fragility?

6. What does habitus do for white people specifically, accordign to Diangelo?

7. What are white tears?

8. What does it mean to be "less white"?

9. What are some common emotional reactions white people have when their assumptions are challenged, according to Diangelo?

10. What are the three key aspects to Bourdieu’s theory that are relevant to white fragility?

(see the answer keys)

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