Waterland Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Waterland Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which boy is most aggressive about asking the two girls to take their clothes off?
(a) Peter Baine.
(b) Freddie Parr.
(c) Dick Crick.
(d) Tom Crick.

2. What does Tom dream that he considers telling the headmaster about?
(a) He dreams of a woman wailing in a supermarket.
(b) He dreams of the headmaster drowning in a canal.
(c) He dreams of Price as the Prime Minister of Britain.
(d) He dreams of Mary as she was when she was 15.

3. Lewis Scott, the headmaster at the school where Tom Crick teaches, thinks history should be considered part of what other field?
(a) General Studies.
(b) Liberal Arts.
(c) Geography.
(d) Civics.

4. What was Freddie Parr's father, Jack Parr, infamous for in the Gildsey area?
(a) His heckling of young women who worked in the fields.
(b) His tendency to get into fights with the local barman.
(c) His habit of stealing livestock off the river barges.
(d) His ability to smuggle liquor out of an American military base nearby.

5. What does Tom Crick tell his students is the question humans must always ask about history?
(a) Why?
(b) Who?
(c) When?
(d) How?

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ernest Atkinson convert his manor Kessling Hall into?

2. What gives the Atkinsons the decisive advantage over the other brewers in the Gildsey area?

3. What medical condition is Tom afraid that Mary might have?

4. Why does Tom Crick decide to study the history of the Fens?

5. What is the worst thing Tom Crick can imagine?

Short Essay Questions

1. Chapter 9 details the rise of the Atkinson family through various activities and involvements. After Tom Atkinson marries Sarah Turnbull. Sarah becomes a pivotal character in the Atkinson story. How?

2. In chapter 37, Tom Crick discusses the idea of terror and how it aids people in pretending they're changing the world for the better. What are some examples Tom gives from the French Revolution?

3. In chapter 11, Tom Crick describes the inquest into Freddie Parr's death. What does the judge determine is the official cause of death, and how does he arrive at his conclusion?

4. in chapter 15, Tom Crick gives a history of the River Ouse and the Fenlands in its river valley. List at least three details from the river's history.

5. In chapter 17, tells a version of the love story between Harry Crick and Helen Atkinson. How did they meet?

6. In chapter 22, the role of Ernest Atkinson in the events of Coronation Day is ambiguous. Please describe the events of Coronation Day and why they appear to have happened.

7. In chapter 29, Tom comes up with a way to test whether Dick killed Freddie Parr. What does he do to provoke a reaction from Dick? What reaction does he get?

8. In chapter 41, Mary makes a decision to see someone for help with her miscarriage. Whom does Mary want to go and see?

9. As he watches Dick ride off on his motorbike at the end of chapter 46, Tom states that Dick rides as if he has the legacy of the Atkinsons on his back. How so?

10. Briefly discuss how, in chapter 44, his interview with the police unravels Tom's earlier ideas about teaching the facts of history.

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