Waterland Test | Final Test - Easy

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Waterland Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What temperament does phlegm tend towards, as reflected in the mood of the landscape the novel is set in and in the mood of many of its major characters?
(a) Melancholic.
(b) Sanguine.
(c) Inquisitive.
(d) Choleric.

2. What is Martha Clay's pet?
(a) A black cat.
(b) An angry dog.
(c) A talking raven.
(d) A ferret.

3. Who dies of the flu?
(a) Jack Parr.
(b) Harry Crick.
(c) Helen Crick.
(d) Ernest Atkinson.

4. What do the student chant at the headmaster while he is giving his speech?
(a) Fear is here!
(b) Give us Crick!
(c) History is dead!
(d) Get lost, old man!

5. What is the name of the Cricks' golden retriever?
(a) Rupert.
(b) Goldie.
(c) Paddy.
(d) Andy.

6. What is the way out everybody in Price's nightmare uses except for Price?
(a) Suicide pills.
(b) The classroom window.
(c) Turning themselves into more black dogs.
(d) Covering their ears.

7. What is the name of the student club that Price is part of?
(a) The Tom Crick Admirers Association.
(b) Concerned Students for Democratic Change.
(c) The Students For the Future Society.
(d) The Holocaust Club/Anti-Armageddon League.

8. What happens to Dick Crick when he hears the church bells ring?
(a) He sees the ghost of Sarah Atkinson next to him.
(b) The sun shines on his face and he smiles.
(c) He takes Mary's hand and dies.
(d) He hears his wife's voice in the sound of the bells.

9. What to Tom and Mary ask Martha to help them with?
(a) A way to save Mary's baby.
(b) Finding a key to Dick's chest.
(c) Poison for Dick.
(d) An abortion for Mary.

10. What is Mary doing at the windmill when Tom finds her?
(a) She is talking to the wind as if it were a person.
(b) She is sleeping with Dick.
(c) She is cutting herself with a razor blade.
(d) She jumps so she falls on her stomach to kill her unborn child.

11. How did Mary's father Harold Metcalf treat Tom's father Harry?
(a) Like a high and mighty squire treats a supplicant serf.
(b) Like a man treats his long-lost brother.
(c) Like an angry father treats his daughter's murderer.
(d) Like a priest treats an unrepentent sinner.

12. What sparks Tom Crick's interest in the mating habits of eels?
(a) His memory of an eel in Mary's knickers and his need to take his mind off Mary being with Dick.
(b) His desire to show his own curiosity is as strong as Mary's.
(c) Mary tells Tom if he can find out the truth about how eels mate, she'll stop her love lessons with Dick.
(d) Mary asks him to look it up because she wants to use it as an example to teach Dick about sex.

13. What does Tom compare migrating geese to in the winter of 1943?
(a) Mary.
(b) Sword tips pointing south.
(c) Bomber formations.
(d) Nazi parades.

14. Where did the stuffed pike come from?
(a) Dick caught it.
(b) Dick never tells anyone.
(c) Tom caught it and gave it to Dick for his birthday.
(d) It was a wedding present for Dick and Helen Crick.

15. Where does Tom go after he leaves Mary at the insane asylum?
(a) Greenwich Park.
(b) The Safeways supermarket.
(c) Price's parents' house.
(d) Gildsey.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the letter reveal to Tom and Dick about Dick?

2. Tom thinks that progress leads...

3. What is NOT a function of phlegm that Tom mentions in chapter 51?

4. Instead of living up to their ideals of freedom, brotherhood, and equality, Tom says the French revolutionaries turned straight to what?

5. What are Mary and Tom waiting for the last time they lie together at the windmill?

(see the answer keys)

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