Waterland Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

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Waterland Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 46.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the letter reveal to Tom and Dick about Dick?
(a) That Dick is entitled to Ernest's seat in the British parliament.
(b) That he is the child of incest between Ernest and his daughter Helen.
(c) That he is the heir to a vast fortune hidden in the Fens.
(d) That Ernest found Dick in the shrubs near a canal and Helen adopted him.

2. On what days does Tom stay at home at night because Dick spends the evenings out with Mary?
(a) Wednesday and Sunday.
(b) Tuesday and Friday.
(c) Wednesday and Saturday.
(d) Monday and Thursday.

3. How does Price feel about helping his drunk teacher Tom Crick once they are out on the street outside the pub?
(a) Embarrassed.
(b) Amused.
(c) Overwhelmed.
(d) Superior.

4. What game are Tom Crick, Freddie Parr, Peter Baine, and Terry Coe playing with Mary Metcalf and Shirley Alford on the banks of the Hockwell Lode as Dick Crick looks on?
(a) A raucous game of catch.
(b) Underwater hide and seek.
(c) They ask each other silly riddles.
(d) A coy game of Show Me Yours, I'll Show You Mine.

5. What does Ernest Atkinson do with the three remaining steam ships he owns?
(a) He donates them to the army to aid in the war effort.
(b) He sells them to the city of Gildsey for the use of the fire brigade.
(c) He names them after his daughter, Helen I, Helen II, and Helen III.
(d) He converts them into pleasure cruise ships.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Harry Crick hears that Mary told her father that Tom is the father of her aborted child, what does he tell Tom they should do?

2. Why does Mary tell Dick that she is pregnant with Freddie Parr's child?

3. Whom does Helen Crick ask to see when she is on her deathbed?

4. What is the motto of the New Brewery in Gildsey?

5. What does Mary fail to explain to Dick properly, with terrible consequences?

(see the answer key)

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