Waterland Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

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Waterland Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 25 | Chapter 26.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What about Mary strikes Tom when he returns from Germany at the end of World War II to marry her?
(a) How much of her old spark and curiosity she has lost.
(b) How frail and vulnerable she seems.
(c) How much more beautiful she has become.
(d) How tough and independent she has become.

2. What is the historical event that Tom Crick keeps returning to over and over again as he explains that history seems to move in a circle?
(a) The French Revolution of 1789.
(b) The Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
(c) The Norman Invasion of 1066.
(d) The Sarajevo Assassination of 1914.

3. Who is the patron saint of Gildsey?
(a) St. Gertrude of the Marshes.
(b) St. Mary.
(c) St. Gunnhilda.
(d) St. Julian of Norwich.

4. Tom confronts Price about his frequent interruptions during class. What question does Price's reluctance about history boil down to?
(a) Does knowing history help change anything?
(b) How many more history lessons will he have to sit through?
(c) How can anyone know what really happened?
(d) Is history not just a collection of stories that keeps the powerful in power?

5. On the day that Freddie Parr was found dead in the river, Mary confesses what to Tom?
(a) That she pushed Freddie into the river.
(b) That she saw Freddie attack Dick the night before by the river bridge.
(c) That she is about to run off to London to hide from her father.
(d) That she is pregnant from Tom, but told Dick it was Freddie's child.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Tom Crick tell his students is the question humans must always ask about history?

2. Who does Tom Crick think his wife Mary is having a love affair with in her old age?

3. Which boy is most aggressive about asking the two girls to take their clothes off?

4. What is the lesson about history that Tom Crick draws from the study of eel mating behavior?

5. What did the inquest decide was the cause of Freddie Parr's death?

(see the answer key)

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