The Light Fantastic Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Light Fantastic Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to Gancia?
(a) He is eaten by Luggage.
(b) He falls on his own knife.
(c) Old Grandad swallows him.
(d) A magical arrow kills him.

2. What does Belafon explain might happen if they keep thinking that rocks shouldn't fly?
(a) The rock will become insulted and ask them to leave.
(b) The rock will hear and believe it too.
(c) Belafon will be brought before a Druid review committee.
(d) The rock will intentionally fly into a flock of diuretic birds.

3. What does Twoflower say is the name of the card game he was playing?
(a) The name translates to something over water.
(b) Bingo.
(c) He can't remember but he is sure it is great fun.
(d) A type of gardening tool he thinks.

4. What does Death say that Rincewind is doing in the Forest?
(a) Pointing out interesting tourist sights.
(b) Arguing with a tree.
(c) Trying to find his way home.
(d) Feeling sorry for himself.

5. Where does Rincewind realize he is at?
(a) In Twoflower's mind.
(b) In the Octavo.
(c) In the outer deminsions.
(d) In the demon's realm.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the Troll legend say that they should do when Rincewind the wizard comes looking for onions?

2. What does Rincewind tell the Octavo that he wants to do?

3. What are the Gods too busy with to help Galder?

4. Why does Rincewind say that they can't eat the mushroom that Twoflower finds under the bush?

5. What ruins part of the effect of the horse that is described as a superb battle charger?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens to the people that kidnap Cohen, Twoflower, and Bethan?

2. What happens in Rincewind's dream?

3. What happens once Rincewind, Bethan, and Cohen are in the dungeon?

4. How is Twoflower described?

5. What are the barbarian chieftain and the greatest hero in Discworld discussing?

6. What is Trymon thinking about while he and the other eight wizards are in the tunnels under the Unseen University?

7. What happens when Herrena gets them to the water's edge and summons the ferryman?

8. Describe what Rincewind finds when he first comes to Death's house.

9. What does the group find when they enter the city?

10. What do the Trolls tell Rincewind when they first meet him?

(see the answer keys)

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