The Light Fantastic Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

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The Light Fantastic Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through P.59-87.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Galder hope would be the reaction when he said he was going to perform the Rite of AshkEnte?
(a) Are you sure?
(b) No, not the Rite of AshEnte!
(c) Well that's a right jolly good idea.
(d) Explain what that one is please?

2. What does Death say he had been doing when the wizards called him?
(a) He was at a party.
(b) He was making cookies.
(c) He was in the bath.
(d) He was in the middle of ..... business.

3. What does Rincewind say is the most important thing to remember about culture shock?
(a) It all starts with new inventions.
(b) It has a way of getting you strapped to a bon fire.
(c) It starts wars.
(d) Don't give it to a man flying a thousand ton rock.

4. What does Twoflower say the gnome is missing?
(a) A beard.
(b) A red hat.
(c) A jolly laugh.
(d) A lyre.

5. What are the Gods too busy with to help Galder?
(a) Trying to get the five dollars they are owed from the faireas from the ball game last week.
(b) Fighting with the Icegiants about the lawnmower.
(c) Trying to find out who took the last of the cookies.
(d) Arguing with death about the Thanksgiving dinner.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why has Trymon always disapproved of stars?

2. What does the astronomer NOT say will happen as they near the red star?

3. What does light do when it encounters a strong magical field?

4. In the front of the story what is trying desperately to follow Twoflower?

5. What does Cohen say he hates?

(see the answer key)

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