The Light Fantastic Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

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The Light Fantastic Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through P.115-143.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Belafon explain might happen if they keep thinking that rocks shouldn't fly?
(a) The rock will become insulted and ask them to leave.
(b) Belafon will be brought before a Druid review committee.
(c) The rock will hear and believe it too.
(d) The rock will intentionally fly into a flock of diuretic birds.

2. What did Galder hope would be the reaction when he said he was going to perform the Rite of AshkEnte?
(a) No, not the Rite of AshEnte!
(b) Explain what that one is please?
(c) Are you sure?
(d) Well that's a right jolly good idea.

3. What does the Chancellor NOT say he will need in the front of the book when he cannot get a volunteer?
(a) A small whip.
(b) Some silver tweezers.
(c) A belly dancer.
(d) Two pints of cat blood.

4. What does the tree ask the luggage?
(a) If he can come with them.
(b) If it hurt.
(c) If he was a gum or an elm.
(d) If he wants a few acorns for the trip.

5. What does Trymon say he has done to try and find Rincewind?
(a) Asked the librarian.
(b) Sent a tracker.
(c) Used a magical doll with some of Rincewind's hair.
(d) Sent a magic arrow.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the real reason women are not admitted to the Unseen University?

2. What does the Octavo say will happen if all eight spells are said together too soon?

3. What does Cohen say he preferred in a woman when he was much much younger just starting out?

4. What happens to Gancia?

5. What does Trymon discover that Rincewind's horoscope for the day says when they are looking for a way to find Rincewind?

(see the answer key)

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