The Light Fantastic Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Light Fantastic Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Rincewind say is the secrete passage he knows about was used for in times past?
(a) The chancellor's secrete passage.
(b) A way for students to get in and out after lights out.
(c) A way to smuggle magic artifacts.
(d) The servant's entrance.

2. What happens when Cohen is about to land a killing blow to Herrena?
(a) Cohen is tripped by the Luggage.
(b) He falls over from his arthritis.
(c) Bethan is captured.
(d) His back goes out.

3. Where does Twoflower say he is going?
(a) To see the pyramids.
(b) Back home.
(c) On another adventure.
(d) To Cohen's wedding.

4. What happens after Rincewind says the eight spells from the Octavo?
(a) Death arrives.
(b) Nothing.
(c) The world begins to spin.
(d) The Great A'Tuin appears in front of them.

5. Where does Rincewind say he is going to build his house?
(a) On the ocean.
(b) On the flattest country he can find.
(c) Underground.
(d) On a cliff somewhere.

6. What is the one thing that Bethan says that the shop doesn't have?
(a) Exits.
(b) Magic.
(c) Flying brooms.
(d) Bathrooms.

7. Who do they summon when they come to the river?
(a) A floating turtle.
(b) A gnome.
(c) The ferryman.
(d) Herrena's guiding spirit.

8. Why does the man in the city explain that everyone is going to the mountains?
(a) The view of the Disc's destruction will be better.
(b) Because of an old prophecy.
(c) Why not?
(d) They believe they will be safe there.

9. What does Twoflower leave for Bethan and Cohen?
(a) A large bag of money.
(b) The trinket from the magic shop.
(c) A cook book with everything but soup recipes.
(d) The sword Twoflower had taken during the looting.

10. What does Twoflower give Rincewind?
(a) A magic ring.
(b) An address and an open invite to come visit.
(c) The Luggage.
(d) Gold.

11. What does Cohen find in the Luggage when he pries the lid open?
(a) An empty void.
(b) He doesn't say but has to go throw up.
(c) Laundry.
(d) Gold.

12. What does Cohen tell the man that he feels like doing when the man says that all magical books must be burned?
(a) Cohen says he feels like killing someone.
(b) Cohen says he feels like eating a steak.
(c) Cohen says he feels like taking several of the books.
(d) Cohen says it is almost nap time.

13. What does Trymon do to the eight other wizards?
(a) Summons a demon to attack them.
(b) Locks them in the Octavo's room.
(c) Casts a spell on them sending them to the Nevernever.
(d) Kills them.

14. What do the people say they are going to do with Rincewind when they get to the top of the tower?
(a) Throw him off.
(b) Burn him at the stake.
(c) Tear him limb from limb.
(d) Feed him to the Trolls.

15. What does Cohen ask Lackjaw about as they leave Lackjaw's store?
(a) Where to find a steak.
(b) If he has a good horse.
(c) If he knows where a preacher is.
(d) What is the best way out of town.

Short Answer Questions

1. What sound can Rincewind hear as they enter the dungeon of the Unseen University?

2. What does Trymon experience when he first picks up the Octavo?

3. What do the other wizards suggest they should do when they first see that Trymon has successfully said all the spells in the Octavo?

4. Who opens the door where the wizards are locked up?

5. What does NOT appear on the ceiling when the black orb is retracted?

(see the answer keys)

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