The Empty Space Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Empty Space Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of what does the author describe, "the moment when the illogical breaks through our everyday understanding to make us open our eyes more widely"?
(a) A realization.
(b) A Happening effect.
(c) An alienation effect.
(d) A fortitude.

2. The author believes the science of theatre building demands studying what it is, which brings about the most what?
(a) Vivid relationship between people.
(b) Holiness.
(c) Connectedness with the stage and audience.
(d) Separation of the spectators.

3. In what Shakespearean play does the "very subtle construction hinges on the key moment when a statue comes to life"?
(a) Midsummer Night's Dream.
(b) Hamlet.
(c) King Lear.
(d) A Winter's Tale.

4. In which Shakespearean play is a main character named Cornelia?
(a) Romeo and Juliet.
(b) Hamlet.
(c) King Lear.
(d) Faust.

5. In which Shakespearean play does the Holy/Rough theatre show in Falstaff; the prose realism of the inn scenes on the one hand and the poetic levels of so much else--both elements contained within one complex whole?
(a) Hamlet.
(b) King Lear.
(c) Henry VI.
(d) Henry IV.

6. The author states, "When Brecht was alive, it was the ______ of West Berlin who flocked to his theatre in the East."
(a) Anarchists.
(b) Nobles.
(c) Czars.
(d) Intellectuals.

7. The author contends that ______ "is a model of a theatre that contains Brecht and Beckett, but goes beyond both."
(a) Shakespeare.
(b) Albee.
(c) Williams.
(d) Marlowe.

8. What is the "lie" that the secret patronage of going to the theatre is?
(a) That the honor is privilege.
(b) That it will be bad.
(c) That the gift is worth receiving.
(d) That the truth is waiting.

9. What French surrealist of the theatre does the author mention in "Rough Theatre"?
(a) Cocteaux.
(b) Jarry.
(c) Robeieux.
(d) Zouicher.

10. Brook claims, "Personally, I find staging _______ can be more thoroughly enjoyable than any other form of theatre."
(a) An opera.
(b) A Surrealist production.
(c) A musical.
(d) A mime show.

11. In which play does Leontes accuse his wife of infidelity?
(a) Anthony and Cleopatra.
(b) A Winter's Tale.
(c) Hamlet.
(d) King Lear.

12. Which playwright does the author hold in the greatest esteem as one who combines the Rough Theatre with the Holy Theatre?
(a) Beckett.
(b) Albee.
(c) Shakespeare.
(d) Brecht.

13. The author believes that an architect of the theatre is better off if he works like a what?
(a) Costume designer.
(b) Community builder.
(c) Visceral artist.
(d) Scene designer.

14. Which country produced a television version of Ubu Roi which captivated the audience with its surrealism?
(a) Israel.
(b) Czechoslavakia.
(c) France.
(d) Britain.

15. Of whom does the author write, "never just made a slice of life--he was a doctor who with infinite gentleness and care took thousands and thousands of fine layers off life."
(a) Shakespeare.
(b) Beckett.
(c) Brecht.
(d) Chekhov.

Short Answer Questions

1. After a production of Love Labour's Lost, what did the author throw out and never work with again?

2. The sort of play that Shakespeare offers us is never just what?

3. Who "influenced Europe for half a century through a couple of performances given in Hampstead in a church hall"?

4. The author writes of his book, "if anyone were to try to use it as a handbook, then I can definitely warn him--there are no _______."

5. The author writes of the architecture of theatres in saying, "as for theatres, the problem of design cannot start" how?

(see the answer keys)

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