The Empty Space Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Empty Space Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Approximately how long is a rehearsal process in New York, according to the author?
(a) One week.
(b) Three weeks.
(c) Two months.
(d) Six weeks.

2. "A director dealing with elements that exist outside of himself can cheat himself into thinking his work more ______ than it is."
(a) Objective.
(b) True.
(c) Subjective.
(d) Honest.

3. The author opines that "today the theatre of doubting, of unease, of trouble, of alarm, seems truer than the theatre" with what?
(a) A happy ending.
(b) A noble aim.
(c) A generous spirit.
(d) A sad ending.

4. Where did the author, in 1946, encounter children piling into a space to watch two clowns?
(a) The Royal Shakespeare Company.
(b) The Hamburg Opera.
(c) The Louvre.
(d) The London Globe.

5. What is the climax of the theatre, which is not the climax of applause?
(a) The climax of fear.
(b) The climax of relief.
(c) The climax of silence.
(d) The climax of intent.

6. Who theorized the "Theatre of Cruelty"?
(a) Jerzy Grotowski.
(b) Bertolt Brecht.
(c) Antoine Artaud.
(d) Merce Cunningham.

7. What form of theatre does the author discuss first in the book?
(a) Bad Theatre.
(b) Immediate Theatre.
(c) Deadly Theatre.
(d) Holy Theatre.

8. What play does the author use as an example of the actor's inability to play "adjectives"?
(a) King Lear.
(b) Romeo and Juliet.
(c) Hamlet.
(d) A Midsummer Night's Dream.

9. Who, according to the author, "was trained to reject cliché imitations of reality and to search for something more real in himself."
(a) The Method Actor.
(b) The Meisner Actor.
(c) The Classical Actor.
(d) The Chekhovian Actor.

10. In regard to music, the author says we may make a personality cult of whom?
(a) The soloist.
(b) The conductor.
(c) The song writer.
(d) The musician.

11. The author writes that "a most powerful explanation of the various arts is that they talk of..." what?
(a) Patterns.
(b) Emotion.
(c) Light.
(d) Beauty.

12. "A man walks across this empty space whilst someone else is watching him, and this is all that is needed for an act of ______ to be engaged."
(a) Art.
(b) Drama.
(c) Theatre.
(d) Magnitude.

13. Which production does the author refer to in Paris which was a flop, so they offered three free performances?
(a) Les Miserables.
(b) La Boheme.
(c) Caucasian Chalk Circle.
(d) Sergeant Musgrave's Dance.

14. What group is led by Julian Beck and Judith Malina?
(a) The Laboratory.
(b) The Theatre of Cruelty.
(c) The Living Theatre.
(d) The Dead Theatre.

15. Brook claims there are two ways of "speaking about the human condition: there is the process of inspiration" and the process of what?
(a) Truth.
(b) Honest vision.
(c) Desire.
(d) Fear.

Short Answer Questions

1. "In Grotowski's terminology, the actor allows a role to '_____' him."

2. Who "spent his life railing against the theatre of illusion, but his most treasured memories were of painted trees and forests and his eyes would light up as he described effects of trompe d'Å“il"?

3. The author contends that the whole of pop music is a series of what on a level to which we have access?

4. The author says of Deadly Theatre, that "just the right degree of _______ is a reassuring guarantee of a worthwhile event."

5. Of whom does the author say, "His aim continually is holy, metaphysical, yet he never makes the mistake of staying too long on the highest plane"?

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