The Empty Space Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Empty Space Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Rough Theatre, part 2 (p. 93 to 109).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From what play does the author quote the line, "It was in the year of 18-- that a young student, Roman Rodianovitchi Raskolnikov..."?
(a) The Brothers Karamazov.
(b) Anna Karena.
(c) Crime and Punishment.
(d) Waiting for Godot.

2. In the cinema, who, according to the author, has single-handedly brought about a revolution by showing how relative the reality of a photographed scene can be?
(a) Fellini.
(b) Lynch.
(c) Godard.
(d) Beckett.

3. "Brecht recognized this and in his last years he surprised his associates by saying that the theatre must be ____."
(a) Brazen.
(b) Bold.
(c) Dishonest.
(d) Naive.

4. Whose recent production of Coriolanus underlines the whole question of where illusion begins and ends, according to the author (and the time the book was written)?
(a) The Royal Shakespeare Company.
(b) Old Vic.
(c) The Swan Theatre.
(d) The Berliner Ensemble's.

5. In Paris, Brook directed what show in which he did all in his power to inhibit applause, because appreciation of the actor's talents seemed irrelevant in a Concentration Camp document?
(a) The Tempest.
(b) The Investigation.
(c) The Representative.
(d) Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe?

Short Answer Questions

1. What play does the author juxtapose against Peter Weiss' play for an example of clarity of meaning?

2. In what show is the climax of the first part one in which the stage action is a scribbling graffiti of war on to vast white surfaces, while a monument is formed to colonialism and revolution?

3. Who told the author, "My search is based on the director and the actor. You base yours on the director, actor, audience. I accept that this is possible, but for me it is too indirect"?

4. Where did the Royal Shakespeare Company's Lear find an unwilling audience?

5. Of whom does the author say, "can write the most eloquent language, but the amazing impressions in his plays are very often brought about by the visual inventions with which he juxtaposes serious, beautiful, grotesque and ridiculous elements"?

(see the answer key)

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