Russian Thinkers Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Russian Thinkers Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who advocated Russian Populism?
(a) A widespread group of radicals.
(b) The Second of April Committee.
(c) The Moscow Reform Party.
(d) The Petersburg Literary Coterie.

2. What program did Tolstoy advocate?
(a) Tolstoy advocated a program in which individuals share the fruits of civilization with the peasants.
(b) Tolstoy advocated a program in which aristocrats benefited from the labor of their peasants.
(c) Tolstoy advocated a program in which dissidents should be exiled to Siberia or America.
(d) Tolstoy advocated a program in which the peasants rule themselves without hierarchy.

3. Why was Belinsky expelled from university?
(a) Belinsky was expelled for writing a play denouncing serfdom.
(b) Belinsky was expelled for inciting a student riot.
(c) Belinsky was expelled for an affair with a governess.
(d) Belinsky was expelled for writing an essay mocking the university president.

4. How was Belinsky described by the writers he influenced?
(a) Belinsky was described as Russia's retrograde conservative.
(b) Belinsky was described as the conscience of his generation.
(c) Belinsky was described as the aesthete of his generation.
(d) Belinsky was described as Russia's most optimistic Romantic.

5. What was Tolstoy's relationship with Hegel's philosophy?
(a) Tolstoy rejected Hegel.
(b) Tolstoy believed in the evolution of culture, but not in the force behind that evolution.
(c) Tolstoy embraced the divinity behind a changing world, but rejected the teleological nature of Hegel's history.
(d) Tolstoy embraced Hegel wholeheartedly.

Short Answer Questions

1. How widely was Belinsky read?

2. What archetype was Levin in Anna Karenina an example of?

3. What was Belinsky's father like?

4. How did Tolstoy understand the concept of truth?

5. How did Herzen apply the philosophy of the philosopher whose work he followed?

Short Essay Questions

1. What signs indicate the importance of Belinsky in Russian culture?

2. Where did characters based on Belinsky appear in Russian literature?

3. What belief did Tolstoy share with Rousseau?

4. What was Turgenev's political stance, and how had he formulated it?

5. How did Tolstoy's theories and values appear in his novels?

6. Describe Russian populism as a movement.

7. How was Turgenev's work viewed at the end of his life?

8. Why did Turgenev's character Bazarov inspire such strong responses from audiences?

9. What was Herzen's relationship with his friends?

10. Why was Chernychevsky wary of the state?

(see the answer keys)

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