The Green Pastures Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Green Pastures Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After God refuses the thunderbolts, what does Gabriel recommend?
(a) a hail storm.
(b) another flood.
(c) an ice age.
(d) fire from heaven.

2. What happens to the turkey-berry bush?
(a) it blossoms.
(b) it withers and dies.
(c) it begins to glow red.
(d) its leaves all fall off.

3. What is Moses' handicap when God comes to talk to him?
(a) he lisps.
(b) he has poor eyesight.
(c) he is lame.
(d) he stutters.

4. Back in Sunday School, what does preacher Deshee tell the children happened to the Hebrews?
(a) they sinned again and got swallowed up in the earth.
(b) they sinned again and God killed 100,000 of them in one day.
(c) they sinned again and Moses came back to destroy them.
(d) they sinned again and fell into bondage under the Babylonians.

5. How is the illusion of marching created on stage?
(a) the actors march on a treadmill.
(b) the actors march in place.
(c) the stage goes dark and feet stomp.
(d) a strobe light gives the impression of movement.

Short Answer Questions

1. What makes God say, "Yes!"

2. As Moses walks off with God, what does he not understand?

3. When does Hezdrel tell God to leave the battle area?

4. Why does the Head Magician of Egypt say he cannot do tricks right away?

5. Back in heaven, what is God doing?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does God say he does not like Hosea?

2. What does Ham discover when he throws the sounding line over the side of the ark?

3. What is happening on the ark after Noah and his family have been on board for a long time?

4. What does Moses say to Pharaoh just before the last trick is performed?

5. What do the cleaning women suppose about God and his austere office?

6. Where is Moses and what is he doing when God comes looking for him?

7. What does Gabriel say about God and why he will not simply destroy all men?

8. What does Zipporah believe when Moses says that something is keeping him where he is?

9. Why is God happy as Noah, his family, and the animals leave the ark?

10. When Noah tells Shem to let a dove loose, what does he say about his condition?

(see the answer keys)

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