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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is the second difference Trevize notes between the planet and other planets?
2. What is the first building Trevize and Pelorat find on the planet?
3. For what reason does Bliss say she might harm Trevize?
4. Who comes up with a theory on the location of Earth, based on the locations of the fifty Spacer worlds?
5. Who does Fallom relate Daneel Olivaw to?
Short Essay Questions
1. How does Trevize react when the ship's controls are taken over as they approach the moon?
2. What aspects of the environment on New Earth affect the people's culture?
3. Why is Bliss annoyed with Trevize for setting off the computer's alarm?
4. What is Trevize's reasoning for continuing to search for information about Earth, now that he's found the planet and sees that it's radioactive?
5. What reasons does Hiroko give for having sex with Trevize?
6. Describe Trevize and Pelorat's important discovery on Melpomenia.
7. What criticism does Trevize have of the Solarian society?
8. What does Pelorat promise Fallom if Fallom will lead the travelers out of Bander's estate?
9. Describe the meals on New Earth.
10. How does Trevize feel about Solaria?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Compare Gaia and Solaria. Both have gone to opposite extremes. In Gaia, all mankind and nature has joined together. In Solaria, each human separates himself from other humans and from the natural environment, living in a robot-built estate underground. However, in both Gaia and Solaria, peace is achieved through a lack of conflict. Compare the different values that the societies exhibit, and how they attempt to resolve the conflict between the individual and the society. After the attempt, do these cultures still contain "individuals"? Do they still contain "societies"? Is one possible without the other?
Essay Topic 2
The search for knowledge drives Trevize on his journey, and as he moves forward, the hidden nature of knowledge about Earth seems to make Trevize even more driven toward his goal.
1) What drives Trevize to search for Earth? Does the nature of Earth as forbidden make it a more attractive goal?
2) Compare man's advancement of science to Trevize's search for Earth. Will mankind continue to study science as long as he is faced with unknowns?
3) Is the search for the unknown and the forbidden dangerous, for Trevize and for mankind?
Essay Topic 3
Discuss the nature of Gaia.
1) Are the members of Gaia truly individuals? To what extent? Do they lose their individuality as part of Gaia?
2) Does the joined consciousness of Gaia mean better decisions? Could Gaia make wrong choices leading to bad results?
3) Would it be a good idea for all humankind to join together as part of Gaia?
This section contains 722 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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