Foundation and Earth Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Foundation and Earth Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What begins growing on Pelorat?
(a) moss
(b) ivy
(c) mold
(d) fungus

2. Where does Travize ask Fallom to take them?
(a) to Bander's personal quarters
(b) to the next nearest estate
(c) out of the estate
(d) to the control center of the estate

3. What does Fallom say Bliss asked Trevize to do?
(a) teach Fallom their language
(b) play with Fallom
(c) wash Fallom
(d) show Fallom the bridge

4. Why does Fallom want to touch the ship's computer?
(a) because it's not allowed
(b) because Fallom has intuited how to operate it
(c) because Fallom wants to sabotage it
(d) because Fallom wants lessons

5. According to Bander, why have records of early settlers been destroyed?
(a) The Solarians believe that keeping records of the past would cause their doom.
(b) The Solarians are revulsed by the early history.
(c) The records were destroyed to hide a secret.
(d) The records were destoryed on accident.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Fallom hope to revive?

2. Why is Bander referred to as "it"?

3. What does the growth live on?

4. How do Solarians seek freedom?

5. Why does Trevize tell Bliss that she is responsible for the child?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Trevize feel about Solaria?

2. Why does Trevize think Bander explains about Solaria to the travelers?

3. What reasons does Hiroko give for having sex with Trevize?

4. What does Trevize wish he could do when he finds the Earth is radioactive?

5. Why is Bliss annoyed with Trevize for setting off the computer's alarm?

6. What is Trevize's reasoning for continuing to search for information about Earth, now that he's found the planet and sees that it's radioactive?

7. What makes the rays of the sun deadly on Melpomenia?

8. What reason does Pelorat think Bliss has for taking Fallom with them?

9. How does Trevize feel about Fallom?

10. How does Trevize react when the ship's controls are taken over as they approach the moon?

(see the answer keys)

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