Foundation and Earth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Foundation and Earth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What leads Bliss to Fallom?
(a) She can detect Fallom's joy.
(b) She can detect Fallom's anger.
(c) She can detect Fallom's thoughts.
(d) She can detect Fallom's fear.

2. How does Bliss kill Bander?
(a) She stops him from emitting power, accidentally causing an overload.
(b) She takes over his mind, causing the robots to turn on him.
(c) She destroys his power system, without which he cannot survive.
(d) She turns off the power source to him, not knowing the power was keeping him alive.

3. What does Hiroko think of Bliss' clothing?
(a) She thinks Bliss' clothing is beautiful.
(b) She thinks Bliss is covering something ugly.
(c) She thinks Bliss is shamefully showing too much of her body.
(d) She thinks Bliss' clothing is ugly.

4. Is the planet Trevize correct in suspecting that Earth is radioactive?
(a) No, but it shows signs of recent radioactivity.
(b) Yes, but the radioactivity is slight and fading.
(c) No, it shows no signs of radioactivity.
(d) Yes, it is radioactive.

5. Why can't Bliss have a child with Pelorat?
(a) Bliss can only have a child with a Gaian.
(b) Pelorat cannot have children.
(c) Bliss cannot have children.
(d) Bliss will not have a child with someone she loves.

6. What is Bliss afraid of, if she reveals the truth about Bander's death?
(a) Pelorat's reaction
(b) Trevize's reaction
(c) being arrested
(d) Fallom's reaction

7. What is the first difference Trevize notes between their next destination planet and the ones they've visited?
(a) It is on the star maps.
(b) It is habitable.
(c) It is on a secure orbit.
(d) It is volcanic.

8. What does Hiroko give Fallom?
(a) a costume
(b) a flute
(c) a mask
(d) a lyre

9. What happens as the ship approaches the moon?
(a) The people on the ship lose consciousness.
(b) The ship begins to rock madly in turbulence.
(c) The ship's controls are taken over, and the ship is landed.
(d) The people on the ship start to feel ill.

10. What alternative theory does Trevize present to suppose that Earth might not be radioactive?
(a) He suggests that Earth's radioactivity would have worn off by now.
(b) He suggests the story of radioactivity is to keep people from searching for Earth.
(c) He suggests that Earth may have spread the story of radioactivity to protect itself from attack.
(d) He suggests that the story of radioactivity might be covering up a dangerous weapon hidden on Earth.

11. For what reason does Bliss say she might harm Trevize?
(a) if he tries to hurt himself
(b) if he won't give up his impossible quest
(c) if he tries to hurt Fallom
(d) if he interferes with the ship's computer

12. Why does Pelorat suggest ending the mission?
(a) He believes Earth is radioactive.
(b) He believes Earth has no information to give them.
(c) He believes Earth doesn't exist.
(d) He believes Earth has been destroyed.

13. What does Trevize discover about the planet they are seeking?
(a) It has little atmosphere.
(b) It is too small to support life.
(c) It has gone off its orbit.
(d) It is superheated.

14. According to Monolee, what two factions warred, leaving Earth radioactive?
(a) Settlers and Galactics
(b) Settlers and Spacers
(c) Galactics and Earthers
(d) Earthers and Spacers

15. What do the travelers think people of Solaria and New Earth are most concerned with?
(a) irradicating competing cultures
(b) keeping enough resources for themselves
(c) taking over other cultures
(d) protecting their ways of life

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Trevize accidentally break off the statue?

2. What is the surface of Alpha like?

3. What does Hiroko confess to Trevize?

4. What genetic modification do the people of Alpha hope to make to their species?

5. How does Trevize know Bander is dead?

(see the answer keys)

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