Foundation and Earth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Foundation and Earth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Trevize say that upsets the minister?
(a) Trevize mentions his name.
(b) Trevize says he has feelings for Bliss.
(c) Trevize says the minister is unattractive.
(d) Trevize mentions Earth.

2. Does Trevize believe in psychohistory?
(a) Yes, but he believes it doesn't work.
(b) No, he won't believe until he sees proof.
(c) No, he believes it's a myth.
(d) Yes, he believes it exists and that it works.

3. What happened to Yariff's attempts to find Earth?
(a) He disappeared, and no one knows what happened.
(b) He failed to find Earth.
(c) He found Earth, but refused to disclose its location.
(d) He died before his attempt was complete.

4. What does Trevize do while the others search the ruins?
(a) He stays on the ship.
(b) He takes scientific readings.
(c) He stands guard.
(d) He goes to search the jungle.

5. Does the minister believe that Trevize will return?
(a) Yes, she believes he'll return after finding Earth.
(b) Yes, she believes he'll return to give her progress reports.
(c) No, she believes this is the last time she'll see him.
(d) No, but she plans to go meet him on another world.

6. The weather is a part of ________________________.
(a) a plot to keep Trevize from leaving
(b) the consciousness of Gaia
(c) Trevize's plans for his journey
(d) Pelorat and Bliss's plan to get brought along

7. What does Trevize want to search for?
(a) Gaian life
(b) evidence of another alien race
(c) the oldest robot
(d) Earth

8. What does the official think will happen when Trevize lands?
(a) Trevize will put in a good word for him with the council.
(b) Bliss will be arrested and need a favor.
(c) Trevize will award him with riches.
(d) The ship will be confiscated by the government.

9. What two weapons does Trevize take onto the planet?
(a) an atomic blade and a blaster
(b) a laser bow and a neuron whip
(c) a blaster and a neuron whip
(d) an atomic blade and a laser bow

10. What is the weather like as Trevize prepares to leave?
(a) sunny
(b) snowing
(c) raining
(d) foggy

11. Why does the minister have to be discreet about sex?
(a) She is an unmarried woman and sex is controlled on the planet.
(b) She is a married woman and infidelity is frowned upon.
(c) Because she is a government official, she is liable to be the topic of scandal-mongering reporters.
(d) Sexual relationships on Comporellon are limited to two at a time, and she is involved in two relationships already.

12. What happened to the first settlers, according to Deniador?
(a) They died.
(b) They returned to Earth.
(c) They forgot their origins.
(d) They rebelled against their government.

13. After their experience on Aurora, what does Trevize offer Bliss?
(a) his friendship
(b) money
(c) a permanent job on Far Star
(d) a way to leave Gaia

14. What does Trevize promise the minister?
(a) He promises to carry her necklace with him.
(b) He promises to return.
(c) He promises to send back the Far Star after the mission.
(d) He promises to bring her to Earth one day.

15. What does Trevize use instead of a map?
(a) He decides to head toward the destination without information.
(b) He uses a mathematical simulation of the Milky Way.
(c) He uses the ship's telescope.
(d) He uses the ship's computer.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the official let the crew land, was his action legal?

2. What does Deniador seek before he will believe something?

3. Why does Pelorat say thorns and thistles may be needed?

4. Why might Comporellon hold clues to Earth?

5. Does Pelorat believe in psychohistory?

(see the answer keys)

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