Fade Away Test | Final Test - Medium

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fade Away Test | Final Test - Medium

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Myron tell Audrey he wants her to accompany him to the meeting with the blackmailer?
(a) To witness and record what happens.
(b) To photograph the blackmailer.
(c) To identify the blackmailer.
(d) To summon the police if the blackmailer gets violent.

2. Who does Myron think may have cleaned up the blood in Greg Downing's basement?
(a) Clip Arnstein.
(b) Marty Felder.
(c) Greg Downing.
(d) Calvin Johnson.

3. At the beginning of Chapter Thirty Seven, what does Myron tell Calvin about Clip Arnstein?
(a) That Clip is selling the Dragons.
(b) That Clip went to Carla's the night of her murder.
(c) That Clip is in love with Emily Downing.
(d) That Clip was blackmailing Greg.

4. Why does Myron want to find out if Leon White's wife Fiona was a September centerfold?
(a) Their emails indicate Greg and Sepbabe are in a romantic relationship.
(b) He thinks he saw her in the September issue of a magazine.
(c) A woman using the screen name Sepbabe emails Greg.
(d) Sepbabe signs her emails with the initial F.

5. How long has the Bolitar family lived in the same house?
(a) Since before Myron's birth.
(b) Two years.
(c) Fifteen years.
(d) Since Myron was six years old.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who reveals that he has been disguised as the blackmailer?

2. How much money does the woman want Emily to pay her to keep silent about the secret she supposedly has about Greg?

3. In Chapter Twenty Six, which of the following people does Myron not see in the stands to watch him play in the Dragons' game?

4. What problem does Esperanza tell Myron that Jason Blair has?

5. What does Myron realize about his playing ability in Chapter Twenty Six?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Myron find out about Fiona White's involvement with Greg Downing?

2. What does Clip's statement in Chapter Twenty Four about Greg Downing having learned his lesson about violence years before foreshadow?

3. Why does Win go to Arizona at the end of the novel?

4. What evidence seems to indicate Emily Downing as Carla's killer and how does Emily explain this evidence to Myron in Chapter Thirty One?

5. Why does Greg hide out at TC Collins' house?

6. Describe Myron's playing in the Dragons game in Chapter Twenty Six and how the crowd reacts to it.

7. Is there any evidence in the novel that Myron might still have feelings for Emily Downing?

8. Why does Myron take Audrey with him to meet the blackmailer?

9. In Chapter Twenty Four, what does Clip Arnstein admit to knowing about Sally/Carla and her relationship with Greg Downing?

10. How does Myron figure out where to find Cole Whiteman and what alias Cole is currently using?

(see the answer keys)

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