Fade Away Test | Final Test - Easy

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fade Away Test | Final Test - Easy

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Myron think is Cole Whiteman, the leader of the Ravens Brigade?
(a) Clip Arnstein.
(b) Calvin Johnson.
(c) Norman Lowenstein, a homeless man who led him to Carla
(d) Sidney Bowman.

2. What do Dimonte and Myron find behind the dryer at Greg Downing's house in Chapter Twenty One?
(a) A giant rat.
(b) Greg Downing's corpse.
(c) More money with sequential serial numbers.
(d) A baseball bat covered with blood, the murder weapon.

3. What is Clip Arnstein's response when Myron tells him someone cleaned up the blood in Greg's basement?
(a) Clip admits he did it.
(b) Clip says he thinks Greg must have done it.
(c) Clip swears he didn't do it.
(d) Clip says he paid TC Collins to do it.

4. Where does the person Win and Myron follow at Columbia University take them?
(a) To the Dragons' locker room.
(b) To Greg Downing's house.
(c) To the Parkview Diner.
(d) To St. John the Divine's homeless shelter.

5. What is Win's response when Myron tells him Jessica wants Myron to move in with her?
(a) Win congratulates Myron & expresses support for the idea.
(b) Win ignores the subject.
(c) Win tells Myron he doesn't think it's a good idea.
(d) Win says he's not one to ask about such things.

6. While studying the Raven Brigade photo, of whom does Cole Whitman, the patrician-featured Ravens' leader, remind Myron?
(a) TC Collins.
(b) Clip Arnstein.
(c) Greg Downing.
(d) Win.

7. Which of the following statements is not a factor Myron recognizes about the killer in the video?
(a) Her hair.
(b) Her walk.
(c) Her long overcoat with the frilly neck.
(d) Her face.

8. Why does Myron want to find out if Leon White's wife Fiona was a September centerfold?
(a) A woman using the screen name Sepbabe emails Greg.
(b) Sepbabe signs her emails with the initial F.
(c) Their emails indicate Greg and Sepbabe are in a romantic relationship.
(d) He thinks he saw her in the September issue of a magazine.

9. What problem does Esperanza tell Myron that Jason Blair has?
(a) Jason says he's kidnapped Greg Downing.
(b) Jason is threatening to tell the press Greg killed Carla.
(c) Jason is trying to get Myron kicked off the Dragons' team.
(d) Jason doesn't like Esperanza negotiating his contract.

10. Who is going to have Greg Downing's baby?
(a) Audrey Wilson.
(b) Emily Downing.
(c) Fiona White.
(d) Maggie Mason.

11. In Chapter Twenty Nine, what does Dimonte tell Myron has hit the morning edition of the newspaper?
(a) A public demand to remove Myron from the Dragons.
(b) An accusation that Greg is Carla's killer.
(c) News of Greg's disappearance.
(d) News of Carla's murder.

12. Why does Myron tell Audrey he wants her to accompany him to the meeting with the blackmailer?
(a) To witness and record what happens.
(b) To summon the police if the blackmailer gets violent.
(c) To identify the blackmailer.
(d) To photograph the blackmailer.

13. Where does an anonymous female caller tell Dimonte to search for information about the murder?
(a) Greg Downing's house.
(b) Leon White's house.
(c) TC Collins' house.
(d) The Dragons' locker room.

14. What information does Esperanza request to investigate her theory about the link between Carla and the blackmail of Greg Downing?
(a) A background check on Carla.
(b) A background check on Greg Downing.
(c) A list of safe-deposit box renters at the Tucson bank.
(d) A list of Greg Downing's credit card debts.

15. What does Esperanza think is the link between Carla and the blackmail of Greg Downing in New York?
(a) The bank robbery in Tucson.
(b) The New Jersey Dragons.
(c) The Raven Brigade.
(d) Emily Downing.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter Twenty Six, which of the following people does Myron not see in the stands to watch him play in the Dragons' game?

2. Where does a strange woman approach Emily to blackmail her about something Greg has done?

3. Who delights Big Cyndi in Chapter Twenty Three by asking for her phone number?

4. What's the killer carrying in the videotape?

5. How much does Myron's caller want Myron to pay for what the caller claims to have?

(see the answer keys)

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