All You Need Is Ears Test | Final Test - Easy

George Martin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All You Need Is Ears Test | Final Test - Easy

George Martin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the double meaning of the title of Chapter 15?
(a) It is both the title of a Beatles song and a reference to his predictions for the future.
(b) It is both the title of a Cilla Black song and a reference to his fears about the future.
(c) It is both the title of a Cilla Black song and a reference to his predictions for the future.
(d) It is both the title of a Beatles song and a reference to his fears about the future.

2. The Beatles' friend, Magic Alex, came up with what hypothetical invention to replace lights?
(a) A spray-on wall paint that would glow in the dark.
(b) A spray-on wall paint that would glow when connected by two anodes.
(c) A curtain that would glow in the dark.
(d) A curtain that would glow when connected by two anodes.

3. What album does George Martin cite, in Chapter 12, as the classic example of what a talented amateur can achieve with multi-track recording?
(a) The Beatles' "Sergeant Pepper".
(b) Winter Consort's "Icarus".
(c) America's "History".
(d) Mike Oldfield's "Tubular Bells".

4. George Martin's new business, AIR, is an acronym for what?
(a) Associated Independent Recording.
(b) Associated Independent Records.
(c) Artists Independently Recording.
(d) Artistic Institute of Recording.

5. George Martin describes John Lennon and Paul McCartney as the main talent of the Beatles, and describes George Harrison, Ringo Starr, and himself as what?
(a) Overshadowed talents.
(b) Subsidiary talents.
(c) Marginal talents.
(d) Overrated talents.

6. In Chapter 8, in George Martin's layer cake metaphor, what was the fourth layer in a four-track recording?
(a) Extra bits, called sweetening.
(b) Rhythm, such as drums and bass.
(c) The lead voice.
(d) Harmonies, such as piano or guitar.

7. As described in Chapter 10, why did George Martin hesitate to honor John Lennon's request to fuse two versions of "Strawberry Fields"?
(a) They were in different keys and different tempos.
(b) They exemplified two different musical styles.
(c) Fusing the two versions would make the song too long.
(d) The equipment at Abbey Road made such a task nearly impossible.

8. What record, produced by George Martin, was the first record taken to the moon?
(a) "She's Leaving Home", by the Beatles.
(b) "Tubular Bells", by Mike Oldfield.
(c) "Yesterday", by the Beatles.
(d) "Icarus", by Winter Consort.

9. In Chapter 10, which Beatle does George Martin describe as an aural Salvador Dali?
(a) John Lennon.
(b) Ringo Starr.
(c) George Harrison.
(d) Paul McCartney.

10. What, for George Martin, was the main advantage of recording on two tracks instead of one?
(a) If a mistake were made on one track, the other track would compensate.
(b) Two songs could be recorded on one section of tape.
(c) The rhythms and vocals could be recorded separately.
(d) Two vocalists could sing without hearing each other.

11. Which small American record label released "She Loves You" after Capitol Records refused?
(a) Decca Records.
(b) VJ Records.
(c) EMI Records.
(d) Swan Records.

12. For which movie did George Martin receive his first and only Academy Award nomination?
(a) "Help!"
(b) "Goldfinger".
(c) "A Hard Day's Night".
(d) "Live and Let Die".

13. During the Beatles' first trip to America, why did Alan Livingston attempt to keep George Martin away from press conferences and the limelight?
(a) Alan Livingston thought George Martin's accent was too thick.
(b) Alan Livingston had turned the Beatles down three separate times.
(c) Alan Livingston wanted to woo the Beatles away from George Martin.
(d) Alan Livingston had turned the Beatles down four separate times.

14. As stated in Chapter 8, in what year did George Martin make his first trip to America?
(a) 1968.
(b) 1962.
(c) 1964.
(d) 1958.

15. How many years after George Martin returned to England from America, did he finally receive his requested studio upgrades from EMI?
(a) Three.
(b) Two.
(c) Four.
(d) Five.

Short Answer Questions

1. How far above the original floor does the studio floor at AIR's first studio float?

2. As described in Chapter 14, AIR built its first studio where?

3. In what year did George Martin receive the Britannia Award for being the top British record producer of the past twenty-five years?

4. George Martin wrote the musical score for which James Bond film?

5. George Martin witnessed an argument between Frank Sinatra and Voyle Gilmore during his first trip to America, regarding what topic?

(see the answer keys)

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