A Fire upon the Deep Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Fire upon the Deep Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where are the archeologists from?
(a) Straum.
(b) Mars.
(c) Andromeda.
(d) Earth.

2. What is the plan for the alien ship?
(a) To use it and the aliens to spread Flenser's nightmare worldwide.
(b) To send the aliens away from the planet.
(c) To study it to learn how to build such a thing.
(d) To take it apart and use the materials.

3. What does Scriber wonder about Johanna?
(a) What sort of creature is with her in one of her holos.
(b) Why she refuses to meld.
(c) Why she refuses to learn their language.
(d) Why she is always angry with those trying to help her.

4. About what does Steel worry about the "pups" in the unburned coffins?
(a) That they could mature and destroy his world.
(b) That they will die of grief when they learn their parents are dead.
(c) That they will die if he cannot figure out how to bring them back from sleep.
(d) That they will spread disease if awakened.

5. What message does Jefri sent out?
(a) That all the sleep coffins are still viable.
(b) That he is the only one left alive on the ship.
(c) A secret transmission pleading for assistance.
(d) That all is well and they will be leaving this world shortly.

6. What jumps successfully?
(a) A spring leaf.
(b) A second vessel.
(c) A moon's orbit.
(d) A catch frog.

7. From where are troops dispatched?
(a) The city of Casler.
(b) Flenser Castle.
(c) The village of Noma.
(d) The city of Flens.

8. Why can Ja not reveal Scriber's murderer?
(a) He is not a talker.
(b) He wants revenge on his own.
(c) He does not know who the murderer is.
(d) He is under compulsion from the murderer.

9. What happens to Pham after the Old One's death?
(a) He remembers everything.
(b) He tries to kill himself.
(c) He recalls nothing.
(d) He is free of the bond.

10. Who hopes to prevent the plans for the alien ship?
(a) Jefri Olsndot.
(b) Vrinimi Org.
(c) Tyrathect.
(d) Amdiranifani.

11. When does Ravna tell Jefri they will arrive?
(a) Ravna tells Jefri they cannot come.
(b) In 60-120 days.
(c) The next year.
(d) In 30-60 days.

12. What does Johanna vow?
(a) To try to like the others.
(b) To appeal to Queen Woodcarver for retaliation for Scriber.
(c) To help Ja survive.
(d) To get revenge for Scriber.

13. How many boats does Tyrathect's group scuttle?
(a) All but one.
(b) All but three.
(c) Half.
(d) None.

14. How old is Woodcarver?
(a) 125.
(b) 100.
(c) 375.
(d) 600.

15. How does Ravna wish she could learn more about the Slowness?
(a) By tapping Pham's memories.
(b) By writing a computer program to ferret out the information.
(c) By accessing classified files.
(d) By asking the net's user group.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does one poster on the net think think the Blight needs?

2. What does the crew get past Johanna?

3. Who particularly wants to be friends with Johanna?

4. What are failing?

5. When does the OOB slow?

(see the answer keys)

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