The Schwa Was Here Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Schwa Was Here Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is waiting at the pier where Lexie and Antsy take Old Man Crawley?
(a) A sportscar.
(b) A helicopter.
(c) A boat.
(d) A submarine.

2. In Chapter 20, what do Antsy's parents ask when he arrives home?
(a) How he is feeling.
(b) Why he is home late.
(c) Where he has been.
(d) What the weather outside is like.

3. As a result of Frankie's actions, his driver's license is revoked for how long?
(a) 6 months.
(b) 4 months.
(c) 1 year.
(d) 1 month.

4. In what section of a work of literature is basic internal conflict complicated by the introduction of related secondary conflicts and obstacles that frustrate the protagonist's attempt to reach his goal?
(a) Rising action.
(b) Exposition.
(c) Falling action.
(d) Denouement.

5. Antsy cannot go during the day to the supermarket to talk to the Night Butcher because the manager has banned him from the store for what reason?
(a) Protesting in front of the store.
(b) Stealing candy.
(c) Asking awkward questions.
(d) Not wearing shoes in the store.

Short Answer Questions

1. Antsy remembers the Schwa when what falls on the floor from his mother's recipe cards?

2. How does Antsy say he will get home in Chapter 11, "The Youngest Doctor in Sheepshead Bay Gets Held Hostage When He Least Expects It"?

3. Who does Old Man Crawley say is upset with Antsy in Chapter 11?

4. What does Old Man Crawley say his son wants to do in Chapter 11, "The Youngest Doctor in Sheepshead Bay Gets Held Hostage When He Least Expects It"?

5. Whom does the Schwa find waiting up for him in Chapter 20?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Antsy believe Crawley wants him to stay with him?

2. What is the root of the Schwa's trauma in Chapter 18?

3. What do Antsy and Lexie set to find out in Chapter 15?

4. How does the Schwa describe his mother's disappearance in Chapter 14?

5. What does Old Man Crawley offer Antsy to stay with him in the hospital?

6. What advice does Old Man Crawley give for the Schwa?

7. What does Antsy realize about his mother in Chapter 15?

8. In what ways does the Schwa appear to fade from Antsy's life in Chapter 15?

9. What conversation takes place between Antsy and Lexie when he walks her home in Chapter 13?

10. Where is Old Man Crawley taken in Chapter 17?

(see the answer keys)

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