The Schwa Was Here Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Schwa Was Here Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of what heritage is Antsy's family?
(a) Australian.
(b) Russian.
(c) Italian.
(d) Polish.

2. What do Antsy and his friends get the Schwa to do in the boys' bathroom?
(a) Perform a rap duet.
(b) Cartwheels.
(c) Sing a patriotic song.
(d) Perform the President's speech.

3. In Chapter 8, Lexie tells the Schwa that he has a face like ___________.
(a) Waves on the ocean.
(b) Sweet-cream ice-cream.
(c) A pane of glass.
(d) The surface of the moon.

4. Who among Antsy's friends is a literal-minded boy who lacks common sense, yet seems to store a lot of facts in his head?
(a) Lexie.
(b) Ira.
(c) The Schwa.
(d) Howie.

5. Who points out the Schwa when he raises his hand in class in Chapter 3?
(a) Frankie.
(b) Ira.
(c) Antsy.
(d) Howie.

6. What does Old Man Crawley live above?
(a) A bank.
(b) A school.
(c) A restaurant.
(d) A coat store.

7. Who is the narrator in The Schwa Was Here?
(a) The Schwa's father.
(b) Old Man Crawley.
(c) Lexie.
(d) Antsy.

8. What does the Schwa collect?
(a) Shoelaces.
(b) Rubberbands.
(c) Baseball cards.
(d) Paperclips.

9. What does Old Man Crawley say he will do if Antsy and the Schwa do not turn up to work each day after school?
(a) Call the police.
(b) Get them in trouble at school.
(c) Have their fathers fired.
(d) Call their parents.

10. In Chapter 4, children put bets on dares such as having the Schwa enter what location?
(a) The sorority house.
(b) Their parents' closets.
(c) The principal's office.
(d) The girls' locker room.

11. What is Antsy's father the most passionate about in the novel?
(a) Cooking.
(b) Banking.
(c) Architecture.
(d) Poetry.

12. What do Antsy and his friends intend to do with the plastic dummy when they meet up in Chapter 3?
(a) Put it in a garbage disposal.
(b) Set fire to it.
(c) Try to saw it in half.
(d) Wrap it in firecrackers.

13. Antsy is in charge of walking Old Man Crawley's dogs that are named after __________.
(a) The seven deadly sins.
(b) Minerals.
(c) Flowering plants.
(d) The seven virtues.

14. What does Antsy's mother do with the sauce she makes in Chapter 10?
(a) Pours it down the drain.
(b) Dumps it on the floor.
(c) Feeds it to the dog.
(d) Throws it out the window.

15. Where do the boys meet to discuss the Schwa in Chapter 2?
(a) A city park.
(b) Antsy's house.
(c) Howie's house.
(d) The library.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is very unfriendly to the Schwa in his first appearance and tells his friends that the Schwa is almost invisible and that people forget about him?

2. How much do the student officers agree to pay a week to keep the Schwa on retainer?

3. What is the Schwa dared to bring back from Old Man Crawley's home in Chapter 4?

4. Old Man Crawley owns what kind of business?

5. Of what heritage is Ira in the novel?

(see the answer keys)

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