The Light Fantastic Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Light Fantastic Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Rincewind smell while on the rock?
(a) Dead rotting beef carcass.
(b) Baccon frying.
(c) The smell of magic.
(d) Perfume.

2. Why does Rincewind think Ysabell will be better at the family business than Death is?
(a) She knows Karate.
(b) She is really creepy.
(c) She is bonkers.
(d) Just a feeling he has.

3. What does the Chancellor, Galder, first see forming inside the magic fireball?
(a) The Great A'Tuin's face.
(b) More magic smoke.
(c) The universe.
(d) Something like the offspring of an octopus and a bicycle.

4. What does Twoflower say is the name of the card game he was playing?
(a) A type of gardening tool he thinks.
(b) Bingo.
(c) He can't remember but he is sure it is great fun.
(d) The name translates to something over water.

5. Once the group reaches the edges of the plains what does Cohen say is there?
(a) Trolls.
(b) Trouble.
(c) Faeries.
(d) Certain death.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Greyhald Spold, the oldest wizard alive, forget to put in his safety box designed to keep Death away?

2. What hits the Luggage's lid?

3. What attitude is Twoflower described as having when he interrupts the sacrifice?

4. What does the Octavo say will happen if all eight spells are said together too soon?

5. What does the tree ask the luggage?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are the barbarian chieftain and the greatest hero in Discworld discussing?

2. Describe how the shop looks when Bethan, Twoflower, and Rincewind first enter.

3. Describe Discworld.

4. What happens to the people that kidnap Cohen, Twoflower, and Bethan?

5. Describe the Octavo.

6. Explain Cohen's reaction to the thought that people were burning books.

7. What does Bethan explain is wrong after Rincewind has said all the magic words?

8. What happens when Rincewind gets to the door where the Octavo had been?

9. What are the suggestions thought of to get the wizards out of the room?

10. What happens after the words are all said correctly?

(see the answer keys)

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