The Light Fantastic Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Light Fantastic Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Rincewind think Ysabell will be better at the family business than Death is?
(a) Just a feeling he has.
(b) She knows Karate.
(c) She is really creepy.
(d) She is bonkers.

2. Why does Rincewind say he was not wondering why the Octavo had brought him here again?
(a) This kind of thing happens all the time.
(b) He remembers what they want.
(c) He knows that they are nuts.
(d) He doesn't want to know because he won't help.

3. What does Belafon explain might happen if they keep thinking that rocks shouldn't fly?
(a) Belafon will be brought before a Druid review committee.
(b) The rock will intentionally fly into a flock of diuretic birds.
(c) The rock will become insulted and ask them to leave.
(d) The rock will hear and believe it too.

4. What does Twoflower say the gnome is missing?
(a) A red hat.
(b) A lyre.
(c) A beard.
(d) A jolly laugh.

5. What does Trymon explain that he did with Galder's chair with lion arms and chicken feet?
(a) Turned it into a toilet.
(b) Burned it.
(c) Gave it away to charity.
(d) Had it made into toothpicks.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Rincewind explain that the woman in the white dress with the Druids is for?

2. What does Herrena say is the reason she wasn't cut out to be a wife?

3. What does the Chancellor, Galder, first see forming inside the magic fireball?

4. When does Death say Disk world will be destroyed if the spells aren't said together?

5. What does Rincewind say is the most important thing to remember about culture shock?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the Astronomer explain about the red star that has appeared?

2. What happens after the words are all said correctly?

3. Describe the hero that is searching for Rincewind.

4. Describe what happens in the Unseen University when the Octavo sends out its reality altering spell?

5. What happens to the people that kidnap Cohen, Twoflower, and Bethan?

6. What happens after Rincewind drinks the medicine the old necromancer gives him?

7. What happens when Rincewind and the others gets to the Horse People and the old woman who is a necromancer?

8. What happens as Twoflower gets ready to leave to go home?

9. Describe what happens to the Octavo after the sun light hits it?

10. What does Bethan explain is wrong after Rincewind has said all the magic words?

(see the answer keys)

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