The Light Fantastic Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Light Fantastic Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the woman burning books say she is doing when Cohen asks her.
(a) Ridding the Disk of wickidness.
(b) Trying to appease the Gods.
(c) Trying to frighten off the red star.
(d) Milking a cow, what does it look like?

2. Why does the man in the city explain that everyone is going to the mountains?
(a) Because of an old prophecy.
(b) Why not?
(c) They believe they will be safe there.
(d) The view of the Disc's destruction will be better.

3. What does Twoflower say when Rincewind asks him if he can use a sword?
(a) He has trained with the best.
(b) Of course. It's the same as playing ball.
(c) He has never tried.
(d) He used to have little figurines that had swords.

4. What does Twoflower suggest someone do to stop the world from crashing?
(a) Tell the Great A'Tuin to miss it.
(b) Put out some sort of magical anchor.
(c) Run around screaming like idiots until a hero steps forward.
(d) Destroy the red star.

5. What does Rincewind say is the secrete passage he knows about was used for in times past?
(a) A way for students to get in and out after lights out.
(b) A way to smuggle magic artifacts.
(c) The chancellor's secrete passage.
(d) The servant's entrance.

6. What sound can Rincewind hear as they enter the dungeon of the Unseen University?
(a) Someone singing really bad karaoke
(b) A banshee.
(c) Men banging on doors and shouting.
(d) Creatures screaming to get through from the Dungeon Dimension.

7. What unique attribute is Ankh-Morpork said to have that its citizens are proud of?
(a) Its organized crime rate.
(b) Its size.
(c) Its smell.
(d) The willingness for the general populace to accept any travesty that comes along.

8. What do the other wizards suggest they should do when they first see that Trymon has successfully said all the spells in the Octavo?
(a) Make him put the spells back.
(b) Go congradulate him.
(c) Get him a nice 'good job on the deadly spells' cake.
(d) Go and kill him.

9. What does the man say when Bethan asks if the shop is magical?
(a) No it is not! You cannot prove it.
(b) A bit.
(c) Well of course.
(d) What shop?

10. What does Wert say will happen if one mind holds all the spells?
(a) The person will be transported to the Demon Dimension.
(b) No one is sure, but they are certain it will be unpleasant.
(c) The person's mind will explode.
(d) It will break down and leave a hole.

11. What are the other wizards doing when Rincewind reaches the top of the steps?
(a) Being sucked into a vortex of death.
(b) Standing very still like statues.
(c) Cowering in the corner.
(d) Fighting off imaginary beasts.

12. Where does Twoflower say he is going?
(a) Back home.
(b) To see the pyramids.
(c) To Cohen's wedding.
(d) On another adventure.

13. What comes out of the eight dark spheres?
(a) An array of stars.
(b) Baby turtles with small elephants and small disks.
(c) Magical energy.
(d) Suns.

14. What does Cohen find in the Luggage when he pries the lid open?
(a) Gold.
(b) An empty void.
(c) Laundry.
(d) He doesn't say but has to go throw up.

15. What do the people say they are going to do with Rincewind when they get to the top of the tower?
(a) Tear him limb from limb.
(b) Burn him at the stake.
(c) Throw him off.
(d) Feed him to the Trolls.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Rincewind see in the streets of the city when the man begins his speech?

2. What does Twoflower say when he is heading up the tower to face Trymon?

3. Who opens the door where the wizards are locked up?

4. How many times does Twoflower say that Rincewind has almost been killed within the last year?

5. When they first reach where Trymon is what do they notice about the Octavo?

(see the answer keys)

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