The Invention of Tradition Test | Final Test - Hard

Eric Hobsawm and Terence Ranger
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Invention of Tradition Test | Final Test - Hard

Eric Hobsawm and Terence Ranger
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. A committee of the assemblage used Indian cultural symbols to help assert the Queen's authority, thus the ceremony was held in _______, the Mughal capital.

2. The sites of the great events of the Indian uprising were a destination for the English and included all of the following except ______.

3. According to the book, blacks were taught to mirror English ________ and non-commissioned officers.

4. The book states that blacks were taught ______ through monarchical traditions.

5. Cohn suggests that the British spent much of the early ______ century trying to construct rituals that would legitimize British authority.

Short Essay Questions

1. Who were blacks taught to mirror in order to spread the different ideas of gentility, according to the book?

2. What did the nineteenth century English elites begin to think of the monarchy during that time period?

3. What are the ten aspects of ritual that David Cannadine says should be studied?

4. What happened as a result of the African empires coming so late, according to the book?

5. Into what had the British turned themselves when they gave their monarch sovereignty over to India?

6. How might one describe the second stage of the British monarchy, which began when Victoria was made Empress of India?

7. By looking at the ten aspects of rituals, what does David Cannadine believe can be uncovered?

8. What did Africa not have to offer as a society, which meant that they had to use a monarchy?

9. From 1918 to the time of Queen Elizabeth's coronation, what did the British believe about themselves?

10. How did the Europeans began to create the idea that gentility was respectable?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The idea of the patriarchy began as a tradition as well, inventing the idea that men were somehow superior to women.

Part 1: Do you think that any gender is more powerful than another?

Part 2: How do you think men and women should coexist in society?

Part 3: Why do you think men were considered to be the more powerful of the two genders?

Essay Topic 2

Tradition is an idea that is brought into all aspects of life, not just family life.

Part 1: How is tradition an important part of business?

Part 2: Why does tradition matter within the family setting and experience?

Part 3: Do you think that tradition has a place in all areas of life? If not, where does tradition not assist or support in some way?

Essay Topic 3

In many cases, the invented traditions were proliferated by societies in order to increase their validity.

Part 1: Do you think that invented traditions are being spread today?

Part 2: Why do you think it was important for certain groups to push for certain traditions?

Part 3: How might you push your own agenda if you wanted a certain tradition to become the normal way of life?

(see the answer keys)

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