The Empty Space Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Empty Space Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the author, "the moment a lover speaks, or a king utters, we rush to give them a" what?
(a) Necessity.
(b) Label.
(c) Feeling.
(d) Applause.

2. What group is led by Julian Beck and Judith Malina?
(a) The Laboratory.
(b) The Theatre of Cruelty.
(c) The Dead Theatre.
(d) The Living Theatre.

3. What are audiences doing in "elevating something bad into a success"?
(a) Being idiots.
(b) Lying to the authors.
(c) Cheating the critics.
(d) Cheating themselves.

4. What British playwright does the author laud, who also works as a director and performer?
(a) Shepard.
(b) Williams.
(c) Pinter.
(d) Sletteland.

5. "There is eventually a need for _______ to reach the ultimate compactness and focus that collective work is almost obliged to miss."
(a) Authorship.
(b) Actors.
(c) Magnitude.
(d) Creativity.

Short Answer Questions

1. "A director dealing with elements that exist outside of himself can cheat himself into thinking his work more ______ than it is."

2. Which company is mentioned by the author as using time well, rehearsing approximately 12 months for performances?

3. There is often a call for performing the classics in what way?

4. What play does the author juxtapose against Peter Weiss' play for an example of clarity of meaning?

5. Who, according to the author, "was trained to reject cliché imitations of reality and to search for something more real in himself."

Short Essay Questions

1. What similarity ties the three artists whom the author discusses in "The Holy Theatre"?

2. What role does the critic play in the world of theatre?

3. How does the author describe the Hamburg Opera and the audience who attended it?

4. What playwright does the author write of whose work transcends the absurd?

5. What is "The Living Theatre"?

6. How can one produce Shakespeare and not fall into the realm of "Deadly" theatre?

7. What are the four forms of theatre the author discusses, and where can they be found?

8. What does the author remark about "style" in terms of how to approach it?

9. Discuss the playwright's role, as established by the author.

10. What does the author say of Artaud's contribution to "The Holy Theatre"?

(see the answer keys)

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