The Empty Space Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Empty Space Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Paris, Brook directed what show in which he did all in his power to inhibit applause, because appreciation of the actor's talents seemed irrelevant in a Concentration Camp document?
(a) Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe?
(b) The Representative.
(c) The Tempest.
(d) The Investigation.

2. What play was conceived by Peter Weiss, and based on many ideals of Brecht?
(a) Ubu Roi.
(b) The Investigation.
(c) The Screens.
(d) Marat/Sade.

3. Who does the author describe as perhaps the most idiosyncratic of all theatre artists?
(a) Designers.
(b) Critics.
(c) Actors.
(d) Directors.

4. "If rehearsals are short, ______ is inevitable--but everyone deplores it, naturally," according to the author.
(a) Casting.
(b) Type-casting.
(c) No direction.
(d) Foregoing truth.

5. "In rehearsal, form and _____ have to be examined sometimes together, sometimes separately."
(a) Content.
(b) Action.
(c) Writing.
(d) Justification.

6. Of whom does the author write, "never just made a slice of life--he was a doctor who with infinite gentleness and care took thousands and thousands of fine layers off life."
(a) Chekhov.
(b) Beckett.
(c) Brecht.
(d) Shakespeare.

7. From what play does the author quote the line, "It was in the year of 18-- that a young student, Roman Rodianovitchi Raskolnikov..."?
(a) Waiting for Godot.
(b) The Brothers Karamazov.
(c) Anna Karena.
(d) Crime and Punishment.

8. In rehearsals, what is the relationship the author establishes?
(a) Actor/designer/director.
(b) Actor/audience/director.
(c) Actor/subject/director.
(d) Director/audience/actor.

9. Who wrote Ubu Roi?
(a) Alfred Jarry.
(b) Antoine Artaud.
(c) Merce Cunningham.
(d) Samuel Beckett.

10. Which playwright does the author hold in the greatest esteem as one who combines the Rough Theatre with the Holy Theatre?
(a) Shakespeare.
(b) Beckett.
(c) Albee.
(d) Brecht.

11. What is the "lie" that the secret patronage of going to the theatre is?
(a) That it will be bad.
(b) That the honor is privilege.
(c) That the truth is waiting.
(d) That the gift is worth receiving.

12. "Figaro or Falstaff or Tartuffe lampoon and debunk through laughter, and the author's purpose is to bring about a _______."
(a) Tear to the eye.
(b) Social change.
(c) Vision of truth.
(d) Radical anarchy.

13. The author believes the science of theatre building demands studying what it is, which brings about the most what?
(a) Separation of the spectators.
(b) Holiness.
(c) Connectedness with the stage and audience.
(d) Vivid relationship between people.

14. What equation does the author give for the formula we are about to be upon?
(a) Theatre = Nrt.
(b) Theatre = R C T.
(c) Theatre = R r a.
(d) Theatre = Honor Nobility.

15. In what Shakespearean play does the "very subtle construction hinges on the key moment when a statue comes to life"?
(a) Midsummer Night's Dream.
(b) A Winter's Tale.
(c) Hamlet.
(d) King Lear.

Short Answer Questions

1. Joan Littlewood dressed her soldiers as what to create an alienation effect?

2. Brook claims, "Personally, I find staging _______ can be more thoroughly enjoyable than any other form of theatre."

3. "In work with a designer, a sympathy of _____ is what matters most."

4. For which Shakespearean play is it true that "as long as scholars could not decide whether this play was a comedy or not, it never got played"?

5. Which production of Genet's did the author direct in Paris where it was necessary to mix actors of very different backgrounds?

(see the answer keys)

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