The Empty Space Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Empty Space Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In which play does Leontes accuse his wife of infidelity?
(a) Hamlet.
(b) King Lear.
(c) A Winter's Tale.
(d) Anthony and Cleopatra.

2. The author writes, "What has not been appreciated sufficiently is that the freedom of movement of the ____ theatre was not only a matter of scenery."
(a) Elizabethan.
(b) Brechtian.
(c) Pagan.
(d) French.

3. What is the "lie" that the secret patronage of going to the theatre is?
(a) That the honor is privilege.
(b) That the truth is waiting.
(c) That the gift is worth receiving.
(d) That it will be bad.

4. What is the third element for creating and defining theatre, according to the author, described as the life that an audience brings into the theatre every time a play is performed?
(a) Truth.
(b) Assistance.
(c) Representation.
(d) Repetition.

5. "The epic writer of _____ plays seldom brings to his work this same fine sense of human individuality: perhaps because he is unwilling to regard a man's strength and a man's weakness with equal impartiality."
(a) Surrealist.
(b) Marxist.
(c) Absurdist.
(d) Dadaist.

6. The aim of acting exercises and improvisation in rehearsals is always the same, according to the actor, which is what?
(a) To forget their worries.
(b) To aid in remembering lines.
(c) To find a system of Truth.
(d) To get away from Deadly Theatre.

7. What is Artaud's three-minute play, which the author produced first at his "Theatre of Cruelty"?
(a) The Last Stand.
(b) Endgame.
(c) Agony in Waiting.
(d) Spurt of Blood.

8. In Paris, Brook directed what show in which he did all in his power to inhibit applause, because appreciation of the actor's talents seemed irrelevant in a Concentration Camp document?
(a) The Representative.
(b) Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe?
(c) The Tempest.
(d) The Investigation.

9. Who wrote Sergeant Musgrave's Dance?
(a) Sam Shepard.
(b) John Arden.
(c) Samuel Beckett.
(d) Alfred Jarry.

10. Meaning and reaction can only be discerned when an audience allows for a moment of transition from the world of the play into what?
(a) Their dreams.
(b) The world of life.
(c) Their fantasy.
(d) The imaginary.

11. From what play does the author quote the line, "It was in the year of 18-- that a young student, Roman Rodianovitchi Raskolnikov..."?
(a) Waiting for Godot.
(b) Anna Karena.
(c) Crime and Punishment.
(d) The Brothers Karamazov.

12. In performance, what is the relationship the author establishes?
(a) Director/actor/audience.
(b) Audience/director/actor.
(c) Actor/subject/audience.
(d) Actor/director/audience.

13. Which actor "is reaching inside himself for an alphabet that is also fossilized, for the language of signs from life that he knows is the language not of invention but of his conditioning"?
(a) The Immediate Actor.
(b) The Grotowski Actor.
(c) The Classical Actor.
(d) The Method Actor.

14. The closer the actor approaches what, the more requirements he is asked to separate, understand and fulfill simultaneously?
(a) Performing.
(b) Rehearsing.
(c) Reading.
(d) Experimenting.

15. Who "is the key figure of our time, and all theatre work today at some point starts or returns to his statements and achievement," according to Brook?
(a) Osbourne.
(b) Brecht.
(c) Pinter.
(d) Beckett.

Short Answer Questions

1. "Brecht recognized this and in his last years he surprised his associates by saying that the theatre must be ____."

2. What type of theatre is usually distinguished by the absence of what is called style?

3. Whose theatre, "in which the imagination, freed by anarchy, flies like a wild bat in and out of every possible shape and style," has it all?

4. What is the only "interesting difference" between the theatre and the cinema?

5. "In work with a designer, a sympathy of _____ is what matters most."

(see the answer keys)

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