The Empty Space Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Empty Space Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Rough Theatre, part 2 (p. 93 to 109).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The author writes that New York has potentially the best audience in the world, but they don't go to the theatre. Why?
(a) The creative impulse doesn't exist.
(b) The price is too high.
(c) The work is too shabby.
(d) The lack of culture.

2. In what Shakespearean play does the "very subtle construction hinges on the key moment when a statue comes to life"?
(a) King Lear.
(b) Hamlet.
(c) A Winter's Tale.
(d) Midsummer Night's Dream.

3. Who wrote the libretto for House of Flowers?
(a) James Jackson.
(b) Truman Capote.
(c) Peter Brook.
(d) Harold Clurman.

4. The author writes, "Years ago I saw a girl at the Actors' Studio approaching a speech of Lady Macbeth's by..." doing what?
(a) Weeping uncontrollably.
(b) Screaming loudly.
(c) Pretending to be a tree.
(d) Standing on a cliff.

5. In which Shakespearean play does the Holy/Rough theatre show in Falstaff; the prose realism of the inn scenes on the one hand and the poetic levels of so much else--both elements contained within one complex whole?
(a) King Lear.
(b) Henry IV.
(c) Hamlet.
(d) Henry VI.

Short Answer Questions

1. "The epic writer of _____ plays seldom brings to his work this same fine sense of human individuality: perhaps because he is unwilling to regard a man's strength and a man's weakness with equal impartiality."

2. Of what does the author describe, "the moment when the illogical breaks through our everyday understanding to make us open our eyes more widely"?

3. The sort of play that Shakespeare offers us is never just what?

4. The author writes that in New York the most deadly element of the theatre is certainly what?

5. Within a constrained time allotted for rehearsal, what cannot occur, according to the author?

(see the answer key)

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