The Ants Test | Final Test - Hard

Bert Hölldobler
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ants Test | Final Test - Hard

Bert Hölldobler
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. During what season of the year are Solenopsis flies absent from most ecosystems?

2. How many varieties of ant-plant symbiosis are categorized in this chapter?

3. Where does "the ultimate parasite" Teleutomyrmex schneideri live?

4. How many species of army ants can be found in "The New World"?

5. Which of the following areas was NOT focused on in the chapter regarding plant-ant symbiosis?

Short Essay Questions

1. In his study of army ants published in 1948, what does Schnerila claim happens to the queen as her brood reaches maturity?

2. What is the first phase of nest building in a weaver ant colony? Why does this phase require teamwork?

3. What is dulosis? How is it a form of symbiosis?

4. How do Solenopsis flies affect the productivity of Apocephalus ants in Texas?

5. How does density specialization affect competition with ant species?

6. What is acacia?

7. What modifications must a parasite's body undergo in order to live successfully off a host's body?

8. What type of ant predator did Levieux discover by digging under the soil on the Ivory Coast in 1983?

9. What are the dangers of using an aspirator when collecting ant samples for study?

10. How did Moser discover ventilation systems in ant nests in Louisiana?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The role of the queen within an ant society is one that Wilson demands much focus on throughout the text. Explain the role of the queen in starting an ant colony. What role does the queen play in decision-making for the colony as a whole? Finally, explain how the role of the queen changes as the society becomes more successful, and which members of the colony take over the decision-making process.

Essay Topic 2

Kin selection is an important part of ant colony success. Describe the two main arguments to kin selection as given by Darwin and Hamilton. How did their opinions of kin selection differ? Finally, explain the two main hypotheses surrounding kin selection - Mutualism, and Parental Manipulation. How have these hypothesis affected understanding of kin selection as a whole?

Essay Topic 3

Harvester ants have been widely studied, even back in Biblical times. Describe the characteristics of a harvester ant. Summarize at least one study about harvester ants presented in the text. Finally, explain the effects harvester and have on vegetation throughout the world.

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