Subculture, the Meaning of Style Test | Final Test - Medium

Dick Hebdige
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Subculture, the Meaning of Style Test | Final Test - Medium

Dick Hebdige
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following terms does Nuttal use to describe a rocket jacket?
(a) Cyclical.
(b) Asymmetrical.
(c) Economical.
(d) Symmetrical.

2. According to Hebdige, if a black participant no longer wishes to be associated with a subculture, he/she can then do which of the following?
(a) Overthrow all white subcultures.
(b) Take a dominant role in the mass culture.
(c) Take a marginal role in the dominant culture.
(d) Overthrow the mass culture.

3. Which of the following is NOT a name one would generally see associated with a Punk band?
(a) The Worst.
(b) The Rejects.
(c) The Unwanted.
(d) The Kittens.

4. Which of the following is defined as "presenting a single, coherent identity"?
(a) Style of chaos and flux.
(b) Subculture style.
(c) Backwards style.
(d) Straightforward style.

5. Which of the following is a way of making subcultures understood by the masses?
(a) It is viewed as "incomprehensible."
(b) It is actively destroyed.
(c) It is practiced by many more individuals and becomes the new dominant culture.
(d) The masses never seek to understand it.

Short Answer Questions

1. Hebdige begins the book by citing the ideas of what author?

2. In terms of music, what do Punks desire over skill?

3. Hebdige says that style can be be identified through which of the following?

4. What does George Jackson complain about?

5. Which three writers does Hebdige compare at the end of the book?

Short Essay Questions

1. After leaving a subculture, what is the difference between the cultural options for blacks and whites according to Hebdige?

2. What factor of the white culture does George Jackson believe is an example of injustice to the black culture?

3. In what way does Hebdige describe style as being cyclical?

4. How does Hebdige feel about the relationship of a common object's intended use and its actual use?

5. How does Nuttal feel about the rocker jacket?

6. According to Chapter 6, what is the relationship between the mass culture and subcultures?

7. What does Hebdige say about the existence of subcultures?

8. What does Hebdige say about the Punk subculture and how it outwardly expresses its views?

9. How does Hebdige view the objects used by the Punk subculture to promote their subculture?

10. What does Hebdige conclude about style and how that may have been the cause of the tension between the 70's Teddy Boys and Punks?

(see the answer keys)

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