One Child Test | Final Test - Medium

Torey Hayden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One Child Test | Final Test - Medium

Torey Hayden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the hearing, what warms Torey's heart in regard to Sheila's father?
(a) He pleads with the judge on his behalf.
(b) He takes many steps to help Sheila.
(c) He asks the boy's parents to forgive his child.
(d) He is sober and wears an ill-fitting suit.

2. What does Torey decide to do for her final big project for the school year?
(a) Father's day program.
(b) Proposal in sign language.
(c) Mother's Day program.
(d) Special end of the year celebration.

3. What does Sheila say to Torey that she wishes?
(a) That her father had come with her.
(b) That she could have a dress.
(c) That Torey and Chad were her parents.
(d) That she had never burned the boy.

4. Why does Peter need to go to a special classroom instead of a regular room?
(a) Lack of appropriate social skills.
(b) Low academic skills.
(c) Seizures.
(d) Violent tendencies.

5. Why isn't Torey sure she wants to return to graduate school?
(a) She will miss the students.
(b) She thinks it may be too much work for her.
(c) She will be unable to work with kids.
(d) She would have to leave her class and Chad.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Torey tell Sheila makes her a good little girl?

2. What does Sheila do when she is told that she will not be able to go on the field trip with the class that afternoon?

3. What does Chad suggest they do to celebrate the win of Sheila's court case?

4. Why does Sheila hang back when the other students head out for recess?

5. What did Sheila do to the rabbit waste?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Sheila want to know when Torey returns to school after being at the conference?

2. What does Torey think may be at the heart of Sheila's aversion to completing paperwork and why does she think this way?

3. What is the epilogue composed of?

4. Why does the superintendent call a meeting and what is the outcome of that meeting?

5. What does Torey come to find out Sheila has done which has led Freddie to get sick on a regular basis?

6. What present does Sheila give to Torey for her birthday?

7. What does Sheila continue to dwell on even though Torey asks her not to?

8. What information does Torey learn about the class while Sheila is in the hospital?

9. What happened to Sheila that caused her to bleed?

10. Why does Torey ignore Sheila for the rest of the day?

(see the answer keys)

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