One Child Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Torey Hayden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One Child Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Torey Hayden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 20.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is going to happen to Sheila's clothes?
(a) They will not be returned.
(b) Whitney will take them to the laundromat.
(c) She will have to wash them in the sink every day.
(d) She can put them on before she goes home.

2. What does Torey decide to do for her final big project for the school year?
(a) Special end of the year celebration.
(b) Mother's Day program.
(c) Proposal in sign language.
(d) Father's day program.

3. What two things does Torey suspect are linked for Sheila?
(a) She thinks Sheila's fear of failure and abandonment are linked.
(b) She thinks Sheila's speech and fear of failure are linked.
(c) She thinks Sheila's need for love and abandonment fear are linked.
(d) She thinks Sheila's desire for revenge and refusal are linked.

4. Where does Torey get some clothes for Sheila?
(a) Church box in the school office.
(b) From a girlfriend who has a young child.
(c) A local charity.
(d) From Whitney's family.

5. How does Torey begin each day?
(a) Story.
(b) Discussion.
(c) Math.
(d) Reading.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Shelia do that upsets her and makes her worried that Torey will whip her?

2. What activity was the class doing when Sheila first participated with the other students?

3. Who does Sheila compare herself and Torey to in the story she loves?

4. What does Shelia tell Torey after she explains the rules of the classroom to her?

5. How did Torey feel about accepting the position that Ed was offering her?

(see the answer key)

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