Morrie: In His Own Words Test | Final Test - Easy

Morrie Schwartz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Morrie: In His Own Words Test | Final Test - Easy

Morrie Schwartz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What action should people always take when they are diagnosed with a debilitating disease?
(a) Laugh about it.
(b) Talk about it.
(c) Be thankful for it.
(d) Pray about it.

2. According to Schwartz, figuring out what activities one should do requires knowing what aspect of one's life?
(a) Who you were.
(b) Who you are.
(c) Who others want you to be.
(d) Who you want to be.

3. Schwartz explains that you must develop a sense of ________ where you can get a perspective on your feelings and thoughts.
(a) Emotional space.
(b) A place of serenity .
(c) Privacy.
(d) A happy place.

4. Whom does Schwartz meet who influences him to get into meditation?
(a) A Buddhist.
(b) A Catholic Priest.
(c) An Indian philosopher.
(d) A Hindu.

5. According to Schwartz, increasing what type of control requires understanding why you are doing what you are doing?
(a) Control over the outcome of the disease.
(b) Emotional control.
(c) Control over the mind.
(d) Control over the physical body.

6. What action is difficult when others are around?
(a) Healing.
(b) Thinking.
(c) Communicating with yourself.
(d) Concentrating.

7. Schwartz explains that a person must be one's own _____.
(a) Caregiver.
(b) Father.
(c) Mother.
(d) Friend.

8. Schwartz explains that one should set goals of being _____ and outgoing, even when you do not feel it.
(a) Nice.
(b) Compassionate.
(c) Cheerful.
(d) Calm.

9. What does Schwartz describe as the most difficult event in relating to others?
(a) Changing how you behave.
(b) Telling others about your disease.
(c) Changing how you feel.
(d) Telling others about your past.

10. Chapter 8 is based on being kind to whom?
(a) Family members.
(b) Doctors and nurses.
(c) Yourself.
(d) Close friends.

11. The goal of Buber's portrayal in his book is to keep those involved in the relationship from losing what important quality?
(a) Individuality.
(b) Friendliness.
(c) Happiness.
(d) Compassion.

12. Today, what religion does Schwartz find himself drawn to?
(a) Catholicism.
(b) Protestant teachings.
(c) Jewish mysticism.
(d) Atheistic views.

13. In order to develop new relationships, one must be __________.
(a) Vulnerable and emotional.
(b) Loving and open to sharing.
(c) Kind and approachable.
(d) Hopeful and generous.

14. After his diagnosis, Schwartz began writing _____.
(a) Letters to the editor.
(b) Short stories.
(c) Self-help articles.
(d) Aphorisms.

15. What event does Schwartz describe as only the beginning to relating to others?
(a) Wanting to conquer the disease.
(b) Wanting new friends.
(c) Wanting to be different.
(d) Wanting to be the same.

Short Answer Questions

1. The second half of the book deals with what aspect of a disease?

2. Schwartz explains that there will be someone around to help how many hours of the day?

3. In Chapter 6, Schwartz states that one should focus on __________.

4. What is the title of Buber's book?

5. According to Schwartz in Chapter 9, what two actions will one have to perform when health is declining?

(see the answer keys)

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